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论坛的朋友们 给看看这个代码的意思



Advanced Test in C: The 0x10 Best Questions for C Programmers Using this Test In the entire test following convention are used • In all program, assume that the required header file/files has /have been included Consider the data type • char is 1 byte • int is 2 byte • long int 4 byte • float is 4 byet • double is 8 byte • long double is 10 byte • pointer is 2 byte 1. Consider the following program: #include<setjmp.h> static jmp_buf buf; main() { volatile int b; b =3; if(setjmp(buf)!=0) { printf("%d ", b); exit(0); } b=5; longjmp(buf , 1); } The output for this program is: (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 0 (d) None of the above 2. Consider the following program: main() { struct node { int a; int b; int c; }; struct node s= { 3, 5,6 }; struct node *pt = &s; printf("%d" , *(int*)pt); } The output for this program is: (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 3. Consider the following code segment: int foo ( int x , int n) { int val; val =1; if (n>0) { if (n%2 == 1) val = val *x; val = val * foo(x*x , n/2); } return val; } What function of x and n is compute by this code segment? (a) xn (b) x*n (c) nx (d) None of the above 4. Consider the following program: main() { int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; int *ptr = (int*)(&a+1); printf("%d %d" , *(a+1), *(ptr-1) ); } The output for this program is: (a) 2 2 (b) 2 1 (c) 2 5 (d) None of the above 5. Consider the following program: void foo(int [][3] ); main() { int a [3][3]= { { 1,2,3} , { 4,5,6},{7,8,9}}; foo(a); printf("%d" , a[2][1]); } void foo( int b[][3]) { ++ b; b[1][1] =9; } The output for this program is: (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d) None of the above 6. Consider the following program: main() { int a, b,c, d; a=3; b=5; c=a,b; d=(a,b); printf("c=%d" ,c); printf("d=%d" ,d); } The output for this program is: (a) c=3 d=3 (b) c=5 d=3 (c) c=3 d=5 (d) c=5 d=5 7. Consider the following program: main() { int a[][3] = { 1,2,3 ,4,5,6}; int (*ptr)[3] =a; printf("%d %d " ,(*ptr)[1], (*ptr)[2] ); ++ptr; printf("%d %d" ,(*ptr)[1], (*ptr)[2] ); } The output for this program is: (a) 2 3 5 6 (b) 2 3 4 5 (c) 4 5 0 0 (d) None of the above 8. Consider following function int *f1(void) { int x =10; return(&x); } int *f2(void) { int*ptr; *ptr =10; return ptr; } int *f3(void) { int *ptr; ptr=(int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); return ptr; } Which of the above three functions are likely to cause problem with pointers (a) Only f3 (b) Only f1 and f3 (c) Only f1 and f2 (d) f1 , f2 ,f3 9. Consider the following program: main() { int i=3; int j; j = sizeof(++i+ ++i); printf("i=%d j=%d", i ,j); } The output for this program is: (a) i=4 j=2 (b) i=3 j=2 (c) i=3 j=4 (d) i=3 j=6 10. Consider the following program: void f1(int *, int); void f2(int *, int); void(*p[2]) ( int *, int); main() { int a; int b; p[0] = f1; p[1] = f2; a=3; b=5; p[0](&a , b); printf("%d\t %d\t" , a ,b); p[1](&a , b); printf("%d\t %d\t" , a ,b); } void f1( int* p , int q) { int tmp; tmp =*p; *p = q; q= tmp; } void f2( int* p , int q) { int tmp; tmp =*p; *p = q; q= tmp; } The output for this program is: (a) 5 5 5 5 (b) 3 5 3 5 (c) 5 3 5 3 (d) 3 3 3 3 11. Consider the following program: void e(int ); main() { int a; a=3; e(a); } void e(int n) { if(n>0) { e(--n); printf("%d" , n); e(--n); } } The output for this program is: (a) 0 1 2 0 (b) 0 1 2 1 (c) 1 2 0 1 (d) 0 2 1 1 12. Consider following declaration typedef int (*test) ( float * , float*) test tmp; type of tmp is (a) Pointer to function of having two arguments that is pointer to float (b) int (c) Pointer to function having two argument that is pointer to float and return int (d) None of the above 13. Consider the following program: main() { char *p; char buf[10] ={ 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,8}; p = (buf+1)[5]; printf("%d" , p); } The output for this program is: (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) None of the above 14. Consider the following program: Void f(char**); main() { char * argv[] = { "ab" ,"cd" , "ef" ,"gh", "ij" ,"kl" }; f( argv ); } void f( char **p ) { char* t; t= (p+= sizeof(int))[-1]; printf( "%s" , t); } The output for this program is: (a) ab (b) cd (c) ef (d) gh 15. Consider the following program: #include<stdarg.h> int ripple ( int , ...); main() { int num; num = ripple ( 3, 5,7); printf( " %d" , num); } int ripple (int n, ...) { int i , j; int k; va_list p; k= 0; j = 1; va_start( p , n); for (; j<n; ++j) { i = va_arg( p , int); for (; i; i &=i-1 ) ++k; } return k; } The output for this program is: (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 3 16. Consider the following program: int counter (int i) { static int count =0; count = count +i; return (count ); } main() { int i , j; for (i=0; i <=5; i++) j = counter(i); } The value of j at the end of the execution of the this program is: (a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 6 (d) 7

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-08-30 20:37:59编辑过]

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2004-08-30 20:08
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论坛的朋友们 给看看这个代码的意思

点 鼠 标 , 救 饥 民 http://www./
2004-08-30 20:38
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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:34
注 册:2004-8-15


2004-08-31 09:26
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注 册:2004-6-3


2004-08-31 15:55
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:34
注 册:2004-8-15
2004-08-31 21:15
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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:34
注 册:2004-8-15
2004-09-01 13:48
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等 级:新手上路
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注 册:2004-5-11

2004-09-01 16:11
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
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注 册:2004-9-4

第三题的答案是d:none of all,第四题:c.第六题:c

2004-09-04 20:26
快速回复:论坛的朋友们 给看看这个代码的意思

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