#include <stdio.h> union hiddenMessage { int ints[6]; char chars[21]; }; int main() { union hiddenMessage intCharacters = {{1853169737, 1936876900, 1684955508, 1768838432, 561213039, 0}}; printf("["); // only go to 18 because 1 byte is for the terminating 0 and we don't print the last in the loop for(int i = 0; i < 19; ++i){ printf("%c,", intCharacters.chars[i]); //printf("%d, ", intCharacters.chars[i]); } printf("%c]\n", intCharacters.chars[19]); // printf("%d\n", intCharacters.chars[19]); printf("%s\n", intCharacters.chars); }
右侧打印的字符怎么得来的? I对应ascii码73,我怎么找不到??总之完全没有思路哦,请教各位大神
[此贴子已经被作者于2017-3-28 15:59编辑过]