#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXWORD 25 #define MAXMEAN 50 struct record { //记录结构_读者 char word[MAXWORD+1]; //key char mean[MAXMEAN+1]; }; struct lnode { //链表结点结构 struct record data; struct lnode *next; }; /* 函数声明 */ void Add(struct lnode *list); void Search(struct lnode *list); void Edit(struct lnode *list); void Delete(struct lnode *list); void Display(struct lnode *list); struct lnode *SearchPrimarykey(struct lnode *list, char *key); void InsertList(struct lnode *list, struct lnode *n); void FreeList(struct lnode *list); void DisplayTableHead(void); void DisplayRecord(struct lnode *r); void DisplayMenu(void); /* 主程序 */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct lnode *dictionary; /* 功能选择,依次为:退出、添加、查找、删除、显示所有记录 */ enum {EXIT, ADD, SEARCH, EDIT, DEL, DISP} function = DISP; /* 头结点 */ dictionary = (struct lnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct lnode)); if(dictionary != NULL) { dictionary->next = NULL; //初始化 } while(function != EXIT) { DisplayMenu(); scanf("%d",&function); while(function < EXIT || function > DISP) { scanf("%d",&function); } switch(function) { case ADD: Add(dictionary); break; case SEARCH: Search(dictionary); break; case EDIT: Edit(dictionary); break; case DEL: Delete(dictionary); break; case DISP: Display(dictionary); break; case EXIT: function = 0; break; default: printf("Input Error! Please input the right word."); break; } } FreeList(dictionary); } /* 添加 */ void Add(struct lnode *list) { int i; struct record t; struct lnode *n, *r; /* 录入记录 */ printf("Please input the word: "); getchar(); gets(t.word); printf("Please input the meaning:"); gets( t.mean); /* 判断记录是否已存在,若存在则显示记录,若不存在则添加记录 */ if((r = SearchPrimarykey(list, t.word)) == NULL) { /* 申请lnode空间并初始化 */ n = (struct lnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct lnode)); if(n != NULL) { /* 复制记录 */ strcpy((n->data).word,t.word); strcpy((n->data).mean, t.mean); /* 插入链表 */ InsertList(list, n); } } else { printf("Record Existed!\n"); DisplayTableHead(); DisplayRecord(r); } } /* 修改 */ void Edit(struct lnode *list) { struct record t; struct lnode *r, *p; char e[MAXWORD]; p = list; printf("Please input the word you want to edit: "); getchar(); gets(e); if((r = SearchPrimarykey(list, e)) != NULL) { printf("Please edit the word: "); gets(t.word); printf("Please edit the meaning:"); gets(t.mean); /* 复制记录 */ strcpy((list->data).word,t.word); strcpy((list->data).mean,t.mean); } else { printf("Record cann't find!\n"); } } /* 查找 */ void Search(struct lnode *list) { char e[MAXWORD]; struct lnode *r; printf("Please input the word you want to search: "); getchar(); gets(e); if((r = SearchPrimarykey(list, e)) != NULL) { DisplayTableHead(); DisplayRecord(r); } else { printf("Cann't find the word."); } } /* 删除 */ void Delete(struct lnode *list) { char e[MAXWORD]; struct lnode *q, *p; q = list; p = list->next; printf("Please input the word you want to delete: "); getchar(); gets(e); while(p != NULL) { if(strcmp((p->data).word, e) == 0) { q->next = p->next; free(p); /* 释放空间 */ return ; /* 函数返回 */ } q = p; p = p->next; } } /* 显示所有记录 */ void Display(struct lnode *list) { int c = 0; struct lnode *p = list->next; printf("\n--------- ReaderMessage Display ---------\n"); DisplayTableHead(); while(p != NULL) { DisplayRecord(p); c++; /* 记录条数 */ p = p->next; } printf("\n--------- Total: %d Record(s) ---------\n",c); } /* 按主键查找 */ struct lnode *SearchPrimarykey(struct lnode *list, char *key) { struct lnode *p = list->next; while (p != NULL) { if(strcmp((p->data).word, key) == 0) { return p; } p = p->next; } return NULL; } /* 将记录按姓名字母升序插入链表 */ void InsertList(struct lnode *list, struct lnode *n) { struct lnode *p = list; while (p->next != NULL && strcmp((p->next->data).word, (n->data).word) < 0) { p = p->next; } n->next = p->next; p->next = n; } /* 释放整个链表空间 */ void FreeList(struct lnode *list) { struct lnode *p = list; while(p->next != NULL) { p = p->next; free(list); list = p; } free(p); } /* 显示表头 */ void DisplayTableHead(void) { printf("%-10s %s\n","WORD","MEANING"); } /* 显示一条记录 */ void DisplayRecord(struct lnode *r) { printf("%-10s %s\n", (r->data).word, (r->data).mean); } /* 显示菜单 */ void DisplayMenu(void) { printf("\n--------- ReaderMessage Menu ---------\n"); printf("\n\t1.Add\n\t2.Search\n\t3.Edit\n\t4.Del\n\t5.Display\n\t0.Exit\n"); printf("\nPlease select the function number(0-5):"); }
[此贴子已经被作者于2016-12-10 21:53编辑过]