#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif struct list { int ch; struct list *next_rec; }; typedef struct list LIST; typedef LIST *LISTPTR; LISTPTR add_to_list(int, LISTPTR); void show_list(LISTPTR); void free_memory_list(LISTPTR); int main(void) { LISTPTR first = NULL; int i = 0; int ch; char trash[256]; while( i++<5) { ch = 0; printf("\nEnter character %d, ", i); do { printf("\nMust be a to z: "); ch = getc(stdin); gets(trash); }while( (ch <'a' || ch >'z')&& (ch <'A' || ch >'Z')); first = add_to_list(ch, first); } show_list(first); free_memory_list(first); return 0; } LISTPTR add_to_list(int ch, LISTPTR first) { LISTPTR new_rec = NULL; LISTPTR tmp_rec = NULL; LISTPTR prev_rec = NULL; new_rec = (LISTPTR)malloc(sizeof(LIST)); if(!new_rec) { printf("\nUnable to allocate memory!\n"); exit(1); } new_rec->ch = ch; new_rec->next_rec = NULL; if (first = NULL) { first = new_rec; new_rec->next_rec = NULL; } else { if( new_rec -> ch < first -> ch) { new_rec -> next_rec = first; first =new_rec; } else { tmp_rec = first->next_rec; prev_rec = first; if( tmp_rec == NULL) { prev_rec->next_rec = new_rec; } else { while(( tmp_rec -> next_rec != NULL)) { if(new_rec -> ch < tmp_rec ->ch) { new_rec->next_rec = tmp_rec; if(new_rec -> next_rec != prev_rec->next_rec) { printf("ERROR"); getc(stdin); exit(0); } prev_rec->next_rec = new_rec; break; } else { tmp_rec = tmp_rec -> next_rec; prev_rec = prev_rec -> next_rec; } } if(tmp_rec -> next_rec == NULL) { if(new_rec -> ch < tmp_rec ->ch) new_rec -> next_rec = tmp_rec; prev_rec -> next_rec = new_rec; } else { tmp_rec -> next_rec =new_rec; new_rec -> next_rec = NULL; } } } } } return (first);/*编译器说这里错误*/ } void show_list(LISTPTR first) { LISTPTR cur_ptr; int counter = 1; printf("\n\nRec addr Position Data Next Rec addr\n"); printf("====================================\n"); cur_ptr = first; while(cur_ptr != NULL) { printf(" %p", cur_ptr); printf("%2i %c", counter++, cur_ptr->ch); printf(" %p \n", cur_ptr-> next_rec); cur_ptr = cur_ptr-> next_rec; } } void free_memory_list(LISTPTR first) { LISTPTR cur_ptr, next_ptr; cur_ptr = first; while(cur_ptr !=NULL) { next_ptr = cur_ptr->next_rec; free(cur_ptr); cur_ptr = next_ptr; } }