# include<stdlib.h> # include<stdio.h> # define MAXSIZE 20 typedef int elemtype; typedef struct { elemtype stack[MAXSIZE]; int top; }SeqStack; InitStack(SeqStack *s) { s->top=0; } PushStack(SeqStack *s,int n) { int a,i; if(s->top>=MAXSIZE) { printf("overflow"); return -1; } printf("输入%d个元素:",n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(s->top>=MAXSIZE) { printf("overflow\n"); return -1; } scanf("%d",&a); s->stack[s->top]=a; s->top++; } return 1; } POPStack(SeqStack *s) { if(s->top<=0) { printf("栈空"); return -1; } while(s->top>0) { s->top--; printf("%d ",s->stack[s->top]); } return 1; } main() { int i,n; SeqStack s; InitStack(&s); //初始化一个大小为20的栈s printf("输入要入栈的元素个数:"); scanf("%d",&n); PushStack(&s,n); printf("出栈后的元素排序:"); POPStack(&s); //将栈s中的元素依次退栈,再依次存放到栈t中 printf("\n"); }
[Error] C:\Users\lenovo\Documents\C-Free\Temp\未命名8.cpp:14: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `InitStack' with no type
[Error] C:\Users\lenovo\Documents\C-Free\Temp\未命名8.cpp:18: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `PushStack' with no type
[Error] C:\Users\lenovo\Documents\C-Free\Temp\未命名8.cpp:40: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `POPStack' with no type