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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:41
注 册:2012-9-5
 问题点数:0 回复次数:7 
   1、 直线与三角形交点数目正确,但画图时每段直线与三角形边交点会漏掉一二个点没画出来。
   2、 代码中已过滤了重复坐标值,但画图时每段直线与三角形边交点会有一二处重复点出现,本来想上传图片可以比较直观看出来的,不熟悉这里的操作,传不上~~

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
   Dim Cu_x() As Variant, Cu_y() As Variant
   Dim Poly3dline As Variant
   Dim TriangleNet As AcadSelectionSet
   Dim ptt As AcadEntity
   Dim ptt1 As AcadEntity
   Dim g, gg, jj, j As Integer
   Dim Point1(0 To 2) As Double, Point2(0 To 2) As Double, Point3(0 To 2) As Double
   Dim Point4(0 To 2) As Double, Point5(0 To 2) As Double, Point6(0 To 2) As Double
   Dim Point03(0 To 2) As Double, Point02(0 To 2) As Double
   Dim point04(0 To 2) As Double, point05(0 To 2) As Double, point06(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim newLayer As AcadLayer
    Dim Tulayer As String
    Tulayer = "样线"
    Set newLayer = JTCLayer(Tulayer, 5)
    ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers("0")
    ThisDrawing.Layers("样线").Lock = False
    ThisDrawing.Layers("样线").Freeze = False
    ThisDrawing.Layers("样线").LayerOn = True
    ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = newLayer
    Call CreatePolyline(Cu_x(), Cu_y())
  With ThisDrawing
  If .SelectionSets.Count > 0 Then .SelectionSets("CurrentSelection").Delete
       Set TriangleNet = .SelectionSets.add("CurrentSelection")
       Dim mode As Integer
       ReDim gpCode(0) As Integer
       ReDim dataValue(0) As Variant
       Dim groupCode As Variant, dataCode As Variant
  If UBound(Cu_x()) = 2 Then
    Dim corner1(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim corner2(0 To 2) As Double
    mode = acSelectionSetCrossing
    corner1(0) = Cu_x(0): corner1(1) = Cu_y(0): corner1(2) = 0
    corner2(0) = Cu_x(1): corner2(1) = Cu_y(1): corner2(2) = 0
    gpCode(0) = 8
    dataValue(0) = "三角形,细化三角形,填充三角形,三角网"
    groupCode = gpCode
    dataCode = dataValue
    TriangleNet.Select mode, corner1, corner2, groupCode, dataCode
   Dim ca_points() As Double
    mode = acSelectionSetCrossingPolygon
    For j = 0 To UBound(Cu_x()) - 1
      ReDim Preserve ca_points(3 * j + 2)
        ca_points(3 * j) = Cu_x(j)
        ca_points(3 * j + 1) = Cu_y(j)
        ca_points(3 * j + 2) = 0
      gpCode(0) = 8
      dataValue(0) = "三角形,细化三角形,填充三角形,三角网"
      groupCode = gpCode
      dataCode = dataValue
      TriangleNet.SelectByPolygon mode, ca_points, groupCode, dataCode
      'TriangleNet.Highlight True
    End If
         Dim Cass_Text As AcadText
         Dim pointobj1 As AcadPoint
         Dim BL1, BL2, BL3, Bl4, Bl5 As Boolean
         Dim AA, Ba, Ca, Da, Ha As Double
         Dim Xf, Yf, Zf As Variant
         Dim point4Value As Variant
         Dim templ As Single
         Dim polyint_x() As Variant
         Dim polyint_y() As Variant
         Dim collect As New Collection
         Dim Cass_x0() As Double
         Dim Cass_y0() As Double
         Dim Cass_H0() As Double
         Dim cvv As Integer
    cvv = 0
For jj = 1 To UBound(Cu_x()) - 1
    If collect.Count > 0 Then Set collect = Nothing
     gg = 0
     For Each ptt In TriangleNet
         Poly3dline = ptt.Coordinates
     If GetVertexCount(ptt) = 3 Then
         Point4(0) = Round(Poly3dline(0), 3): Point4(1) = Round(Poly3dline(1), 3): Point4(2) = Round(Poly3dline(2), 3)
         Point5(0) = Round(Poly3dline(3), 3): Point5(1) = Round(Poly3dline(4), 3): Point5(2) = Round(Poly3dline(5), 3)
         Point6(0) = Round(Poly3dline(6), 3): Point6(1) = Round(Poly3dline(7), 3): Point6(2) = Round(Poly3dline(8), 3)
         BL1 = Line2ToPoint(Point4(0), Point4(1), Point5(0), Point5(1), Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_x(jj), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj), 3), Xf, Yf)
         BL2 = Line2ToPoint(Point5(0), Point5(1), Point6(0), Point6(1), Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_x(jj), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj), 3), Xf, Yf)
         BL3 = Line2ToPoint(Point6(0), Point6(1), Point4(0), Point4(1), Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_x(jj), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj), 3), Xf, Yf)
      If BL1 = True Or BL2 = True Or BL3 = True Then
      gg = gg + 1
      collect.add Item:=ptt, key:=CStr(gg)
   End If
   End If
               gg = collect.Count
               ReDim Preserve Cass_x0(5 * gg + 4) '分配内存
               ReDim Preserve Cass_y0(5 * gg + 4)
               ReDim Preserve Cass_H0(5 * gg + 4)
               cvv = cvv + gg
  For Each ptt1 In collect
          Poly3dline = ptt1.Coordinates
     If GetVertexCount(ptt1) = 3 Then
         Point1(0) = Round(Poly3dline(0), 3): Point1(1) = Round(Poly3dline(1), 3): Point1(2) = Round(Poly3dline(2), 3)
         Point2(0) = Round(Poly3dline(3), 3): Point2(1) = Round(Poly3dline(4), 3): Point2(2) = Round(Poly3dline(5), 3)
         Point3(0) = Round(Poly3dline(6), 3): Point3(1) = Round(Poly3dline(7), 3): Point3(2) = Round(Poly3dline(8), 3)
         ReDim Preserve polyint_x(2)  '分配内存
         ReDim Preserve polyint_y(2)
         polyint_x(0) = Point1(0): polyint_y(0) = Point1(1)
         polyint_x(1) = Point2(0): polyint_y(1) = Point2(1)
         polyint_x(2) = Point3(0): polyint_y(2) = Point3(1)
         Bl4 = Point_in_Area(polyint_x(), polyint_y(), Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3))
         Bl5 = Point_in_Area(polyint_x(), polyint_y(), Round(Cu_x(jj), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj), 3))
     If Bl4 = True Then
            AA = Point1(1) * (Point2(2) - Point3(2)) + Point2(1) * (Point3(2) - Point1(2)) + Point3(1) * (Point1(2) - Point2(2))
            Ba = Point1(2) * (Point2(0) - Point3(0)) + Point2(2) * (Point3(0) - Point1(0)) + Point3(2) * (Point1(0) - Point2(0))
            Ca = Point1(0) * (Point2(1) - Point3(1)) + Point2(0) * (Point3(1) - Point1(1)) + Point3(0) * (Point1(1) - Point2(1))
            Da = -(AA * Point1(0) + Ba * Point1(1) + Ca * Point1(2))
            Ha = -(AA * Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3) + Ba * Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3) + Da) / Ca
            Point03(0) = Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3): Point03(1) = Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3): Point03(2) = Ha

               Cass_x0(5 * gg + 0) = Point03(0)
               Cass_y0(5 * gg + 0) = Point03(1)
               Cass_H0(5 * gg + 0) = Point03(2)
     End If
     If Bl5 = True Then
            AA = Point1(1) * (Point2(2) - Point3(2)) + Point2(1) * (Point3(2) - Point1(2)) + Point3(1) * (Point1(2) - Point2(2))
            Ba = Point1(2) * (Point2(0) - Point3(0)) + Point2(2) * (Point3(0) - Point1(0)) + Point3(2) * (Point1(0) - Point2(0))
            Ca = Point1(0) * (Point2(1) - Point3(1)) + Point2(0) * (Point3(1) - Point1(1)) + Point3(0) * (Point1(1) - Point2(1))
            Da = -(AA * Point1(0) + Ba * Point1(1) + Ca * Point1(2))
            Ha = -(AA * Round(Cu_x(jj), 3) + Ba * Round(Cu_y(jj), 3) + Da) / Ca
            Point02(0) = Round(Cu_x(jj), 3): Point02(1) = Round(Cu_y(jj), 3): Point02(2) = Ha

               Cass_x0(5 * gg + 4) = Point02(0)
               Cass_y0(5 * gg + 4) = Point02(1)
               Cass_H0(5 * gg + 4) = Point02(2)
     End If
     End If
         gg = 1
     For Each ptt In collect
         Poly3dline = ptt.Coordinates
     If GetVertexCount(ptt) = 3 Then
         Point4(0) = Round(Poly3dline(0), 3): Point4(1) = Round(Poly3dline(1), 3): Point4(2) = Round(Poly3dline(2), 3)
         Point5(0) = Round(Poly3dline(3), 3): Point5(1) = Round(Poly3dline(4), 3): Point5(2) = Round(Poly3dline(5), 3)
         Point6(0) = Round(Poly3dline(6), 3): Point6(1) = Round(Poly3dline(7), 3): Point6(2) = Round(Poly3dline(8), 3)
         BL1 = Line2ToPoint(Point4(0), Point4(1), Point5(0), Point5(1), Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_x(jj), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj), 3), Xf, Yf)
         BL2 = Line2ToPoint(Point5(0), Point5(1), Point6(0), Point6(1), Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_x(jj), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj), 3), Xf, Yf)
         BL3 = Line2ToPoint(Point6(0), Point6(1), Point4(0), Point4(1), Round(Cu_x(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj - 1), 3), Round(Cu_x(jj), 3), Round(Cu_y(jj), 3), Xf, Yf)
If BL1 = True Or BL2 = True Or BL3 = True Then
     If BL1 = True Then
            AA = Point4(1) * (Point5(2) - Point6(2)) + Point5(1) * (Point6(2) - Point4(2)) + Point6(1) * (Point4(2) - Point5(2))
            Ba = Point4(2) * (Point5(0) - Point6(0)) + Point5(2) * (Point6(0) - Point4(0)) + Point6(2) * (Point4(0) - Point5(0))
            Ca = Point4(0) * (Point5(1) - Point6(1)) + Point5(0) * (Point6(1) - Point4(1)) + Point6(0) * (Point4(1) - Point5(1))
            Da = -(AA * Point4(0) + Ba * Point4(1) + Ca * Point4(2))
            Ha = -(AA * Xf + Ba * Yf + Da) / Ca
            Zf = Ha
            point04(0) = Xf: point04(1) = Yf: point04(2) = Zf
        Dim fat As Boolean
        fat = False
        g = 0
     For g = 0 To UBound(Cass_x0())
     If point04(0) = Cass_x0(g) And point04(1) = Cass_y0(g) And point04(2) = Cass_H0(g) Then
        fat = True
        g = g + 1
          End If
     Next g
         If fat = False Then
            Cass_x0(5 * gg + 1) = point04(0)
            Cass_y0(5 * gg + 1) = point04(1)
            Cass_H0(5 * gg + 1) = point04(2)
        End If
        End If
     If BL2 = True Then
            AA = Point4(1) * (Point5(2) - Point6(2)) + Point5(1) * (Point6(2) - Point4(2)) + Point6(1) * (Point4(2) - Point5(2))
            Ba = Point4(2) * (Point5(0) - Point6(0)) + Point5(2) * (Point6(0) - Point4(0)) + Point6(2) * (Point4(0) - Point5(0))
            Ca = Point4(0) * (Point5(1) - Point6(1)) + Point5(0) * (Point6(1) - Point4(1)) + Point6(0) * (Point4(1) - Point5(1))
            Da = -(AA * Point4(0) + Ba * Point4(1) + Ca * Point4(2))
            Ha = -(AA * Xf + Ba * Yf + Da) / Ca
            Zf = Ha
            point05(0) = Xf: point05(1) = Yf: point05(2) = Zf
            Dim fat1 As Boolean
        fat1 = False
        g = 0
     For g = 0 To UBound(Cass_x0())
     If point05(0) = Cass_x0(g) And point05(1) = Cass_y0(g) And point05(2) = Cass_H0(g) Then
        fat1 = True
        g = g + 1
          End If
     Next g
         If fat1 = False Then
            Cass_x0(5 * gg + 2) = point05(0)
            Cass_y0(5 * gg + 2) = point05(1)
            Cass_H0(5 * gg + 2) = point05(2)
        End If
        End If

     If BL3 = True Then
            AA = Point4(1) * (Point5(2) - Point6(2)) + Point5(1) * (Point6(2) - Point4(2)) + Point6(1) * (Point4(2) - Point5(2))
            Ba = Point4(2) * (Point5(0) - Point6(0)) + Point5(2) * (Point6(0) - Point4(0)) + Point6(2) * (Point4(0) - Point5(0))
            Ca = Point4(0) * (Point5(1) - Point6(1)) + Point5(0) * (Point6(1) - Point4(1)) + Point6(0) * (Point4(1) - Point5(1))
            Da = -(AA * Point4(0) + Ba * Point4(1) + Ca * Point4(2))
            Ha = -(AA * Xf + Ba * Yf + Da) / Ca
            Zf = Ha
            point06(0) = Xf: point06(1) = Yf: point06(2) = Zf
            Dim fat2 As Boolean
        fat2 = False
        g = 0
     For g = 0 To UBound(Cass_x0())
     If point06(0) = Cass_x0(g) And point06(1) = Cass_y0(g) And point06(2) = Cass_H0(g) Then
        fat2 = True
        g = g + 1
          End If
     Next g
         If fat2 = False Then
            Cass_x0(5 * gg + 3) = point06(0)
            Cass_y0(5 * gg + 3) = point06(1)
            Cass_H0(5 * gg + 3) = point06(2)
         End If
         End If
    End If
    End If
 gg = gg + 1
          Dim pnt() As Variant
          Dim jn As Integer
          jn = 0
     For j = 0 To UBound(Cass_x0())
         If Abs(Cass_x0(j)) > 0 And Abs(Cass_y0(j)) > 0 And Abs(Cass_H0(j)) > 0 Then
                ReDim Preserve pnt(jn)
                pnt(jn) = Point3d(Cass_x0(j), Cass_y0(j), Cass_H0(j))
                jn = jn + 1
          End If
     Next j
     MsgBox UBound(pnt)
   PtList pnt, True, True, 0
    Dim newtxt As String
    newtxt = "坐标排序的顺序:"
    Dim Cass_L() As Double
    Dim pointobj As AcadPoint
     For j = 0 To UBound(pnt)
      If Abs(pnt(j)(0)) > 0 And Abs(pnt(j)(1)) > 0 And Abs(pnt(j)(2)) > 0 Then
           ReDim Preserve Cass_L(3 * j + 2)
           Cass_L(3 * j + 0) = pnt(j)(0)
           Cass_L(3 * j + 1) = pnt(j)(1)
           Cass_L(3 * j + 2) = pnt(j)(2)
           newtxt = newtxt & vbCr & "第" & j + 1 & "点坐标为:" & pnt(j)(0) & "   " & pnt(j)(1) & "   " & pnt(j)(2)
           If Cu_x(0) <= Cu_x(UBound(Cu_x())) Then
                    Set Cass_Text = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(j + 1, pnt(j), 0.3)
                    Set Cass_Text = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(UBound(pnt) - j + 1, pnt(j), 0.3)
           End If
                        Cass_Text.Color = acYellow
             Set pointobj = .ModelSpace.AddPoint(pnt(j))     '点
                .SetVariable "PDMODE", 35
                .SetVariable "PDSIZE", 0.15
                 pointobj.Color = acGreen
          End If
       Next j
       MsgBox newtxt
    Dim Plineobj1 As Acad3DPolyline
        Set Plineobj1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Add3DPoly(Cass_L) '画样线
            Plineobj1.Lineweight = acLnWt020
   Erase Cass_x0()
   Erase Cass_y0()
   Erase Cass_H0()
   Erase pnt

   Next jj
 End With

   Set TriangleNet = Nothing
   Unload Me
End Sub
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