'添加函数 处理刚度阵 乘大数法Public Function a() As Double(,)
Dim ReStiffnessMatrix(Me.DoFs - 1, Me.DoFs - 1) As Double
Dim ConstraintMatrix(,) As Double
For i = 0 To Me.oNodeArray.Length - 1
ConstraintMatrix(i * 2, 0) = Me.oConstraintArray(i).DX
ConstraintMatrix(i * 2 + 1, 0) = Me.oConstraintArray(i).DY
Return ConstraintMatrix
For j = 0 To Me.oBarElementArray` .Length - 1
Dim α As Double
If ConstraintMatrix(j) <> 0 Then
ReStiffnessMatrix(i, j) = α * StiffnessMatrix(i, j)
End If
End Function