#include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> #define ERROR 0 #define TRUE 1 typedef int ElemType; typedef struct Circle_QueueList { ElemType data; struct Circle_QueueList *next; }CirQ_List,*Node; void InitialQ(CirQ_List *Q) { /* is here expected to assign a fixed memory to Q? */ Q = (Node)malloc(sizeof(CirQ_List)); Q->next = Q; } int Enter_Queue(CirQ_List *Q,ElemType e) { Node q,rear; rear = Q; if( (q = (Node)malloc(sizeof(CirQ_List)) )==NULL) return ERROR; q->data = e; while(rear->next != Q) rear = rear->next; rear->next = q; q->next = Q; return TRUE; } int Out_Queue(CirQ_List *Q,ElemType *e) { Node P; P = (Node)malloc(sizeof(CirQ_List)); if(Q->next == Q) return ERROR; P = Q->next; *e = P->data; Q->next = P->next; free(P); return TRUE; } void main() { CirQ_List CQL,*CQL_p; ElemType Enter_v,Out_v; InitialQ(&CQL); puts("insert elements into the queue:"); scanf("%d",&Enter_v); while(Enter_v!=0) { Enter_Queue(&CQL,Enter_v); scanf("%d",&Enter_v); } CQL_p = CQL.next; while(CQL_p!=(&CQL)) { printf("%5d",CQL_p->data); CQL_p = CQL_p->next; } // Out_Queue(&CQL,&Out_v); // printf("%d\n",Out_v); getch(); }