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ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[zzz_cz_wyh_bom]
@Fnumber nvarchar(255)


declare @finterid  int
declare @fitemid int

select @fitemid=fitemid
from t_icitem

select @finterid=finterid
from icbom
where fitemid=@fitemid -- and fusestatus=1072

Create Table #Errorss
( FIndex int IDENTITY, FType smallint default(0),
FBomNumber int default(0), FErrText nvarchar(355) )

Create Table #data1
(  FIndex int IDENTITY,

 FBomInterid int,
FItemID int null,
FNeedQty decimal(28,8) default(0) null,
FBOMLevel int null, FItemType int null,
FParentID int default(0)null,
FRate   decimal(20,8) default(0) null,
FHistory int default(0) null,
FHaveMrp smallint default(0) null,
FLevelString nvarchar(200) null, FBom int 


exec PlanBomNestingCheck @finterid

Create Table #Mutidata
(  FIndex int IDENTITY,
  FEntryID INT, FBomInterid int,
FItemID int null,
FNeedQty decimal(28,14) default(0) null,
FBOMLevel int null,
FItemType int null,
FParentID int default(0)null,
FRate   decimal(28,14) default(0) null,
FHistory int default(0) null,
FHaveMrp smallint default(0) null,
FLevelString varchar(200) null,
FBom int,
FMaterielType int  default(371) null,
FOperID int default(0),
FCZQualityCheck  bit) 

 Create Table #MutiParentItem
(FIndex int IDENTITY,
FEntryID INT default(0),
FBomInterid int,
FItemID int null,
FNeedQty decimal(28,14) default(0) null,
FBOMLevel int null,
FItemType int null, 
FParentID int default(0)null,
FRate   decimal(28,14) default(0) null,
FHistory int default(0) null,
FHaveMrp smallint default(0) null,
FLevelString varchar(200) null ,
FBom int,
FMaterielType int  default(371) null,
FOperID int default(0),
froutingid  int null,
FCZQualityCheck  bit

 Create Table #Errors
( FIndex int IDENTITY,
FType smallint default(0),
FErrText varchar(355) )

Insert into #mutiParentItem (fbominterid,FItemID,FNeedQty,FBOMLevel,FParentID,FItemType,FBom,froutingid,FCZQualityCheck)
Select a.finterid, t1.FItemID,a.fqty, 0,0,t1.FErpClsID,t1.FItemID, a.FRoutingid,t1.FCZQualityCheck
From icbom a,t_ICItem t1
Where t1.FItemID = a.fitemid and   a.finterid=@finterid 

declare @P1 int
set @P1=0
declare @P2 char(400)
set @P2='                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                '
exec PlanMutiBomExpandEx 50, 1, '1900-01-01', '2100-01-01', @P1 output, @P2 output

Create Table #Mutidata1
(  FIndex int IDENTITY,
  FEntryID INT, FBomInterid int,
FItemID int null,
FNeedQty decimal(28,14) default(0) null,
FBOMLevel int null,
FItemType int null,
FParentID int default(0)null,
fprice   decimal(28,14) default(0) null,
famount   decimal(28,14) default(0) null,
FLevelString varchar(200) null,
FBom int,
FMaterielType int  default(371) null,
FOperID int default(0),
FCZQualityCheck  bit) 

insert into #Mutidata1(fentryid,fbominterid,fitemid,fneedqty,fbomlevel,fitemtype,fparentid,flevelstring,fbom,fmaterieltype,foperid,FCZQualityCheck)
select fentryid,fbominterid,fitemid,fneedqty,fbomlevel,fitemtype,fparentid,flevelstring,fbom,fmaterieltype,foperid,FCZQualityCheck
from #Mutidata
order by findex

update t1 set t1.fprice=
(select  fprice
from icpurchaseentry  t2
where  t2.fdetailid= (
   select max(t3.fdetailid)
   from  icpurchaseentry t3
   inner join t_icitem t4 on t3.fitemid=t4.fitemid    
     and t4.fitemid=t1.fitemid) )

 from  #Mutidata1  t1

 where fitemtype=1 

update t1 set famount=isnull(isnull(fprice,0)*isnull(fneedqty,0),0)
from #Mutidata1  t1

update t1 set famount=(select sum(famount) from #Mutidata1 )
from #Mutidata1  t1
where fbomlevel=0

Create Table #test
(  FIndex int , 
FItemID int null,
fitemtype int null,
FBOMLevel int null,
flevel  varchar(255)null,
Fnumber varchar(255) null,
Fname varchar(255) null,
fsm   varchar(255) null,
fmodel  varchar(255) null, 
fdraw  varchar(255) null,
Fmaterial varchar(200) null,
Fdrawsize varchar(200) null,
funit  varchar(255) null,
frouting varchar(255) null,
Fqty decimal(28,14) default(0) null,
fattid  int null,
fattname varchar(255) null,
fbomnumber varchar(255) null,
fremark  varchar(255) null,
FCZQualityCheck  bit                ------------------------------这里是159行报错位置
insert into #test
a.FIndex,a.FitemID,a.FItemType, a.FBOMLevel ,
a.FLevelString as '层次(LEVEL)' ,b.fnumber as '物料代码(Number)',b.fname as '物料名称(Name)','',
isnull(b.FModel,'') '规格(Spec.)',isnull(b.fchartnumber,'') '图号(Draw No.)',isnull(b.f_669,'') '材质(Material)',
isnull(b.f_668,'') '图幅(Size of Drawing)', isnull(c.Fname,'') '单位(Unit)', tr.Froutingname as '工艺路线(Routing)',

 a.FNeedQty '用量(Qty)',--a.famount '材料成本(Cost)',
b.FErpClsID, isnull(e.Fname,'') '物料属性(Mtr.Att.)',a.FCZQualityCheck,

 '' 'BOM编号(BOM NUM.)',d.FNote as '备注(Remark)',a.FCZQualityCheck
-- ,
--  isnull(i.fname,'') '状态(Status)'
 from #Mutidata1 a

 inner join t_icitem b on a.fitemid=b.fitemid

 left outer join t_item c on b.funitid=c.fitemid

 inner join icbomchild d on a.FBomInterid=d.finterid and a.FOperID=d.FOperID AND a.FEntryID=d.FEntryID and a.FItemID=d.FItemID

 left outer join t_submessage e on b.FErpClsID=e.finterid

 left outer join t_submessage f on d.FOperID=f.finterid

 left outer join t_stock g on d.FStockID=g.FItemID

 inner join t_item h on b.fitemid=h.fitemid

 left outer join  t_routing Tr  on b.fitemid =tr.fitemid

 left outer join t_submessage i on b.fusestate=i.finterid 

 where  1=1 


 a.FIndex,a.FitemID,a.FItemType, a.FBOMLevel,
a.FLevelString FLevel,b.fnumber FNumber,b.fname FName,'',
isnull(b.FModel,'') FModel,isnull(b.fchartnumber,'') fchartnumber, isnull(b.f_669,''),isnull(f_668,''),
isnull(c.Fname,'') FUnitID,tr.Froutingname,

 a.FNeedQty FQty,--a.famount,
 b.FErpClsID,isnull(e.Fname,'') FMaterielType,

 '' FBomNumber,d.FNote,a.FCZQualityCheck
-- ,
--  isnull(i.fname,'') FUseStatus
 from #Mutidata1 a

 inner join t_icitem b on a.fitemid=b.fitemid

 left outer join t_item c on b.funitid=c.fitemid

 inner join iccustbomchild d on a.FBomInterid=d.finterid and a.FItemID=d.FItemID and a.FOperID=d.FOperID AND a.FEntryID=d.FEntryID

 left outer join t_submessage e on b.FErpClsID=e.finterid

 left outer join t_submessage f on d.FOperID=f.finterid

 left outer join t_stock g on d.FStockID=g.FItemID

 inner join t_item h on b.fitemid=h.fitemid

 left outer join t_routing Tr  on b.fitemid =tr.fitemid

 left outer join t_submessage i on b.fusestate=i.finterid

 where 1=1
a.FIndex,a.FitemID,a.FItemType, a.FBOMLevel,
a.FLevelString FLevel,b.fnumber FNumber,b.fname FName,'',
isnull(b.FModel,'') FModel,isnull(b.fchartnumber,'') fchartnumber, isnull(b.f_669,''),isnull(b.f_668,''),
isnull(c.Fname,'')  FUnitID, tr.Froutingname,

 a.FNeedQty FQty,--a.famount,
  b.FErpClsID,isnull(e.Fname,'') FMaterielType,

-- ,
--  isnull(i.fname,'') FUseStatus
 from #Mutidata1 a

 inner join t_icitem b on a.fitemid=b.fitemid

 left outer join t_item c on b.funitid=c.fitemid

 inner join icbom d on a.FBomInterid=d.finterid and a.FItemID=d.FItemID

 left outer join t_submessage e on b.FErpClsID=e.finterid

 inner join t_item h on b.fitemid=h.fitemid

 left outer join t_submessage i on  b.fusestate=i.finterid

 left outer join t_routing Tr  on b.fitemid =tr.fitemid
where 1=1 order by FIndex desc
update a
set fsm= case when b.fstatus=0 then '该物料BOM未审核、未使用,请审核、使用后对其下级BOM进行检查(BOM NO Check and NO Use)'
              when b.fstatus=1 and b.fusestatus=1073 then '该物料BOM已审核、未使用,请使用后对其下级BOM进行检查 (BOM is Checked but NO Use)'
             else '正常(correct)'
from #test a,icbom b
where a.fitemid=b.fitemid and a.fattid in(2,5)

update a
set fsm='该自制件没有BOM,请对该物料建立BOM,并将BOM审核、使用(This Material no BOM,Please create a new BOM , Check and Use this BOM)'
from #test a
where a.fitemid not in (select distinct fitemid from icbom) and a.fattid in(2,5)

update a
set fsm=fsm+'--该物料存在两个或两个以上的BOM,请进行处理(This material have two or more BOM,Please check it)--'
from #test a
where a.fitemid in (select fitemid from icbom group by fitemid having count(fitemid)>1)
select FIndex,FitemID,FItemType, FBOMLevel ,
FLevel as '层次(LEVEL)' ,fnumber as '物料代码(Number)',fname as '物料名称(Name)', fsm as '提示(Tips)',
isnull(FModel,'') '规格(Spec.)',isnull(fdraw,'') '图号(Draw No.)',isnull(fmaterial,'') '材质(Material)',
isnull(fdrawsize,'') '图幅(Size of Drawing)', isnull(funit,'') '单位(Unit)', frouting as '工艺路线(Routing)',

 fqty '用量(Qty)',--a.famount '材料成本(Cost)',
isnull(fattname,'') '物料属性(Mtr.Att.)',
fbomnumber 'BOM编号(BOM NUM.)',fremark as '备注(Remark)',FCZQualityCheck from #test a
drop table #Errorss
drop table #Errors
drop table #data1
drop table #Mutidata
drop table #Mutidata1
drop table #MutiParentItem
drop table #test
消息 213,级别 16,状态 5,过程 zzz_cz_wyh_bom,第 159 行
Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
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2012-07-09 11:29
Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13
等 级:贵宾
威 望:24
帖 子:544
注 册:2012-4-9



2012-07-09 20:44

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