CLEAR ALL CLOSE DATABASES ALL SET DEFAULT TO (Application.ActiveProject.HomeDir) Form1 = NEWOBJECT("C_Form") Form1.Show READ EVENTS CLOSE DATABASES ALL CLEAR ALL RETURN DEFINE CLASS C_Form AS Form Caption = "自定义按钮测试" WindowState = 2 ADD OBJECT Grid1 AS Grid PROCEDURE Load USE Table1 IN 0 ENDPROC PROCEDURE Unload USE IN Table1 ENDPROC PROCEDURE Arrange WITH This.Grid1 .Top = 5 .Left = 5 .Width = ThisForm.Width - .Left - 5 .Height = ThisForm.Height - .Top - 5 ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE Activate ThisForm.Arrange ENDPROC PROCEDURE Resize ThisForm.Arrange ENDPROC PROCEDURE Destroy CLEAR EVENTS ENDPROC PROCEDURE Grid1.Init WITH This .RecordSourceType = 1 .RecordSource = "Table1" WITH .Columns(3) .RemoveObject("Text1") .AddObject("Button1", "GridCommandButton") WITH .Button1 .ControlSource = "Table1.F03" .TrueCaption = "Yes" .FalseCaption = "No" .Width = 60 .Height = 20 .Visible = .T. ENDWITH .CurrentControl = "Button1" .Sparse = .F. .Width = 60 ENDWITH .RowHeight = 22 ENDWITH ENDPROC ENDDEFINE DEFINE CLASS GridCommandButton AS Container BorderWidth = 0 ControlSource = "" TrueCaption = "是" FalseCaption = "否" ADD OBJECT Text1 AS TextBox WITH Visible = .F. ADD OBJECT Button1 AS CommandButton PROCEDURE Width_Assign(tAssign) This.Button1.Width = tAssign ENDPROC PROCEDURE Height_Assign(tAssign) This.Button1.Height = tAssign ENDPROC PROCEDURE ControlSource_Assign(tAssign) This.Text1.ControlSource = tAssign ENDPROC PROCEDURE Text1.Value_Assign(tAssign) This.Value = tAssign WITH This.Parent.Button1 .Caption = IIF(tAssign, This.Parent.TrueCaption, This.Parent.FalseCaption) .VisualEffect = IIF(tAssign, 2, 1) ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE Button1.Click WITH This.Parent.Text1 .Value = !.Value ENDWITH ENDPROC ENDDEFINE