以下是代码:set rs_buy =server.createobject("ADODB.RecordSet")
sql="select * from odplan where isnew=1"
if nowstartdate<>"" and nowenddate<>"" then
sql=sql&" and plandate between '"&startenddate&"' and '"&nowenddate&"' "
end if
if nowkeyword<>"" then
sql=sql&" and (orderno like '%"&nowkeyword&"%' or orderno in (select id from odplan where daogoutxt like '%"&nowkeyword&"%') or shejishi in (select id from odplan where fcqk like '%"&nowkeyword&"%'))"
end if
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers 错误 '80040e07'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]在将 varchar 值 'PA00001' 转换成数据类型 int 时失败。
sql=sql&" and (orderno like '%"&nowkeyword&"%' )"
这样不报错。子查询就报上面的错误!数据库是SQL2008 脚本类型是ASP