Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误 (0x800A01A8)缺少对象: '[undefined]'
错误类型:Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误 (0x800A01A8)
缺少对象: '[undefined]'
/enterprise/include/config.asp, 第 5 行
<!--#include file="../include/" -->
'On Error Resume Next
'if recordset is open close it, &H00000001 = AdStateOpen
if Session("rs").state = AdStateOpen then---------------------------------------------提示的错误行
end if
function CheckSession()
if session("login_name") = "" or session("member_id") = "" then
CheckSession = ""
CheckSession = Session("mode")
end if
end function
function safeConvert(strOrig)
dim strTemp
if isnull(strOrig) then
strTemp = strOrig
'Response.Write("strOrig : [" & strOrig & "]<br>")
'Response.Write("strTemp : [" & strOrig & "]<br>")
strTemp = Server.HTMLEncode(strOrig)
strTemp = Replace(strTemp,chr(10),"<br>")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp," "," ")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp,chr(9),"    ")
'strTemp = Replace(strTemp,",","£¬")
'strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"'","¡¯")
'strTemp = Replace(strTemp,""e","¡±")
'strTemp = Replace(strTemp,".","¡£")
end if
safeConvert = strTemp
end function
function convertBack(strOrig)
dim strTemp
strTemp = strOrig
if not isnull(strOrig) then
'strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"¡£",".")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"¡¡"," ")
'strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"£¬",",")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"<br>",chr(10))
strTemp = Replace(strTemp,"<","<")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp,">",">")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp,""",chr(34))
strTemp = Replace(strTemp," "," ")
end if
convertBack = strTemp
end function
function r2v(str)
dim tmp
'Response.Write r2v & "<br>" & rP & "<br>" & vP
end function
function GetWLen(str)
dim i,l
l = len(str)
for i=1 to l
if asc(mid(str,i,1)) > 255 then
l = l + 1
end if
GetWLen = l
end function
function SubWStr(str,start,leng)
dim i,realLen
realLen = 0
for i=1 to Len(str)
if realLen <= leng + 1 then
if asc(mid(str,i,1)) > 255 then
realLen = realLen + 2
realLen = realLen + 1
end if
Exit For
end if
SubWStr = mid(str,start,i)
end function
function CutString(str,l)
dim strR
strR = CStr(str)
if GetWLen(strR) > l + 3 then
strR = SubWStr(strR,1,l) & "..."
end if
CutString = strR
end function
function CutDate(sDate)
dim arr,dateR
dateR = Cstr(sDate)
arr = split(dateR," ")
CutDate = arr(0)
end function