#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #define STACK_INIT_SIZE 100 #define STACKINCREMENT 10 #define QUEUE_LENGTH 100 struct BiTree { char data; struct BiTree *lchild; struct BiTree *rchild; }; typedef struct BiTree BiTree; struct SqStack { BiTree *base; BiTree *top; int stacksize; }; typedef struct SqStack SqStack; struct Queue { BiTree *data[QUEUE_LENGTH+1]; int front; int rear; }; typedef struct Queue Queue; BiTree *CreateBiTree(); char Menu(); void PreOrderTraverse_Re(BiTree *p0); void InOrderTraverse_Re(BiTree *p0); void PostOrderTraverse_Re(BiTree *p0); SqStack *InitStack(); void Push(SqStack *S,BiTree e); int StackEmpty(SqStack *S); BiTree Pop(SqStack *S); void PreOrder(BiTree *p0); void InOrder(BiTree *p0); void PostOrder(BiTree *p0); void InitQueue(Queue &q); void EnQueue(Queue &q,BiTree *x); int EmptyQueue(Queue &q); int DeQueue(Queue &q,BiTree &p); void LevelOrd(BiTree *r); void main() { char ch; BiTree *Tree; while(1) { ch=Menu(); switch(ch) { case'1': { Tree=CreateBiTree(); printf("The binary tree has been created!\n"); break; } case'2': { PreOrderTraverse_Re(Tree); printf("That is the result by Preord with recursion!\n"); break; } case'3': { InOrderTraverse_Re(Tree); printf("That is the result by Inord with recursion!\n"); break; } case'4': { PostOrderTraverse_Re(Tree); printf("That is the result by Postord with recursion!\n"); break; } case'5': { PreOrder(Tree); printf("That is the result by Preord without recursion!\n"); break; } case'6': { InOrder(Tree); printf("That is the result by Inord without recursion!\n"); break; } case'7': { PostOrder(Tree); printf("That is the result by Postord without recursion!\n"); break; } case'8': { LevelOrd(Tree); printf("That is the result by Levelord!\n"); break; } default:exit(0); } } } char Menu() { char ch; printf("\nThe operation of traverse BiTree!\n"); printf("1.Creat binary tree\n"); printf("2.Traverse binary tree by Preord with recursion\n"); printf("3.Traverse binary tree by Inord with recursion\n"); printf("4.Traverse binary tree by Postord with recursion\n"); printf("5.Traverse binary tree by Preord without recursion\n"); printf("6.Traverse binary tree by Inord without recursion\n"); printf("7.Traverse binary tree by Postord without recursion\n"); printf("8.Traverse binary tree by Levelord\n"); printf("9.Destory binary tree\n"); printf("Please input your option:"); scanf(" %c",&ch); getchar(); return ch; } BiTree *CreateBiTree() { char ch; BiTree *T; scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch==' ') T=NULL; else { T=(BiTree *)malloc(sizeof(BiTree)); T->data=ch; T->lchild=CreateBiTree(); T->rchild=CreateBiTree(); } return (T); } void PreOrderTraverse_Re(BiTree *p0) { if(p0) { printf("%c\n",p0->data); PreOrderTraverse_Re(p0->lchild); PreOrderTraverse_Re(p0->rchild); } } void InOrderTraverse_Re(BiTree *p0) { if(p0) { InOrderTraverse_Re(p0->lchild); printf("%c\n",p0->data); InOrderTraverse_Re(p0->rchild); } } void PostOrderTraverse_Re(BiTree *p0) { if(p0) { PostOrderTraverse_Re(p0->lchild); PostOrderTraverse_Re(p0->rchild); printf("%c\n",p0->data); } } SqStack *InitStack() { SqStack *S; S=(SqStack *)malloc(sizeof(SqStack)); S->base=(BiTree*)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE*sizeof(BiTree)); S->top=S->base; S->stacksize=STACK_INIT_SIZE; return S; } void Push(SqStack *S,BiTree e) { if(S->top-S->base>=S->stacksize) { S->base=(BiTree*)realloc(S->base,(S->stacksize+STACKINCREMENT)*sizeof(BiTree)); S->top=S->base+S->stacksize; S->stacksize+=STACKINCREMENT; } *(S->top)=e; S->top++; } int StackEmpty(SqStack *S) { if(S->top==S->base) return 1; else return 0; } BiTree Pop(SqStack *S) { S->top --; return *S->top; } void PreOrder(BiTree *p0) { SqStack *S; BiTree *p=p0; S=InitStack(); if(p0) Push(S,*p); while(!StackEmpty(S)) { p=(BiTree *)malloc(sizeof(BiTree)); *p=Pop(S); printf("%c\n",p->data); if(p->rchild) Push(S,*p->rchild); if(p->lchild) Push(S,*p->lchild); } } void InOrder(BiTree *p0) { SqStack *S; BiTree *p=p0; S=InitStack(); while(p||!StackEmpty(S)) { if(p) { Push(S,*p); p=p->lchild; } else { p=(BiTree *)malloc(sizeof(BiTree)); *p=Pop(S); printf("%c\n",p->data); p=p->rchild; } } } void PostOrder(BiTree *p0) { SqStack *S; BiTree p; BiTree *l,*r; S=InitStack(); Push(S,*p0); while(!StackEmpty(S)) { p=Pop(S); l=p.lchild; r=p.rchild; if(l==NULL&&r==NULL) printf("%c\n", p.data); else { p.lchild=NULL; p.rchild=NULL; Push(S,p); if(r!=NULL) Push(S,*r); if(l!=NULL) Push(S,*l); } } } void InitQueue(Queue &q) { q.front=0; q.rear=0; } void EnQueue(Queue &q,BiTree *x) { if(q.rear==QUEUE_LENGTH) printf("overflow"); q.rear++; q.data[q.rear]=x; } int EmptyQueue(Queue &q) { if(q.rear==q.front) return 1; else return 0; } int DeQueue(Queue &q,BiTree *p) { if(EmptyQueue(q)) { printf("underflow"); return 0; } else { p=q.data[q.front+1];// printf("%c",x); q.front++; } if(EmptyQueue(q)) { q.front=0; q.rear=0; } return 1; } void LevelOrd(BiTree *r) { Queue q; InitQueue(q); BiTree *p,*p1,*p2; p=r;//(Tree)malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); if(p) EnQueue(q,p); while(!EmptyQueue(q)) { DeQueue(q,p); printf("%c\n",p->data); p1=p->lchild; p2=p->rchild; if(p1) EnQueue(q,p1); if(p2) EnQueue(q,p2); } }