<!--#include file="Conn.asp"--> <!--#include file="Check.asp"--> <!--#include file="Inc/Function.asp"--> <!--#include file ="Inc/Date.asp"--> <!-- #include file="../const.asp" --> <%if fla85="0" and session("redboy_id")<>"1" then%> <br><center><img src="../images/note.gif" align="absmiddle"> <font color="#FF0000">你不具备此权限,请与管理员联系!</font></center> <% response.end end if %> <% Dim rs,news,sqltext Dim id,lid,per,ptype,money,pj,menu,tm,io Dim selname,seltype,listid,pjname,adddate Set rs=Server.Createobject("Adodb.RecordSet") sqltext = "Select score,XJCODE,max(XJNAME) as XJNAME1,sum(XJMONEY) as money1,count(XJMONEY) as money2,max(CZRQ) as time1 From [XJRJZMX]" If Request.QueryString("action") = "search" Then selname = Request.Form("selname") seltype = Request.Form("seltype") adddate = Request.Form("adddate") adddate2 = Request.Form("adddate2") listid = Trim(Request.Form("listid")) If selname="" and seltype="" and adddate="" and listid="" and pjname="" Then sqltext = sqltext & " Where zt='已审' group by XJCODE,score order by score,XJCODE" Else sqltext = sqltext & " Where zt='已审' and " If selname<>"" Then sqltext = sqltext & "score='"&selname&"' " End if If seltype<>"" Then If selname<>"" Then sqltext = sqltext & "and " sqltext = sqltext & "lb='"&seltype&"' " End if If adddate<>"" and adddate2<>"" Then If seltype<>"" Then sqltext = sqltext & "and " sqltext = sqltext & "CZRQ>=#"&adddate&"# and CZRQ<=#"&adddate2&"#" End if If adddate<>"" and adddate2="" Then If seltype<>"" Then sqltext = sqltext & "and " sqltext = sqltext & "CZRQ=#"&adddate&"# " End if If listid<>"" Then If adddate<>"" Then sqltext = sqltext & "and " sqltext = sqltext & "XJNAME='"&listid&"' " End if sqltext = sqltext & " group by XJCODE,score order by score,XJCODE" End if Else sqltext = sqltext & " Where zt='已审' group by XJCODE,score order by score,XJCODE" End if 'response.write sqltext rs.Open sqltext,Conn,1,3 MaxPerPage=2000 text="0123456789" rs.PageSize=MaxPerPage for i=1 to Len(Request.QueryString("page")) checkpage = Instr(1,text,mid(Request.QueryString("page"),i,1)) if checkpage=0 then exit for end if next If checkpage<>0 then If NOT IsEmpty(Request.QueryString("page")) Then CurrentPage=Cint(Request.QueryString("page")) If CurrentPage < 1 Then CurrentPage = 1 If CurrentPage > rs.PageCount Then CurrentPage = rs.PageCount Else CurrentPage= 1 End If If not rs.eof Then rs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage end if Else CurrentPage=1 End if %> <html> <head> <title>管理中心</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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