今天去了埃森哲(广州)笔试,全英文题目,感觉不难,就是本人英文水平不好。。。若干题目摘录如下,供大家参考,想去好公司,除了专业好,英语也很重要!1. int main ()
{int a=10;
Return 0;}
What kind of variable is a?
A constant int
B volatible int
C automatic int
D static int
E register int
2. typedef char *mon[3]
Creates two monarrays and initializes one of the two?
A mon winter,spring;
B mon(winter,spring={“1”,”2”,”3”});
C mon winter,spring={“1”,”2”,”3”};
3 int x=1;
for {int i=0;i<5;i++}
{if (i=3) continue;
Else if (i=4) break;
A at the end of the roop, x holds the value 1
B at the end of the roop, x holds the value 2
C at the end of the roop, x holds the value 3
D at the end of the roop, x holds the value 4
E x is never incremented
4. struct foo{foo *fp;};
Struct bar :public foo{
Void *bp;
Bar (int k);
foo *f=new foo();
bar b;
which vaviable is an instance of a class?
A b
B f
C k
D bp
E fp
5. class s;
Which choice is correct?
A Incorrect syntax. {} is missing
B Incorrect syntax. {}; is missing
C Incorrect syntax. Requires a*
D Incorrect syntax. The body of the class declaration is missing
E correct syntax
361->22 121->14 81->12 25->x
x is ( )
13 57 911 1315 1719 x
x is ( )
8. at the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each other . How many handshakes will there be in total?
A 100 B 20 C 45 D 50 E 90
9. there is a square with 4cm side length painted color, this square is cut into 64 small squares with same side. How many small squares are painted double sides and how many small squares are painted one side?