这个代码特效如何显示的呢?我找了 很久都 没有找到的
http://www. 有很多张图片 转动像一个圆圈的那个 我下载FLASH但里面是空的 好像还有什么代码 但我找不到代码是在哪里的呢
// Action script... // [Action in Frame 1] function mover() { this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX; this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY; var _loc2 = this._y / (centerY + radiusY); this._xscale = this._yscale = _loc2 * 100; this.angle = this.angle + this._parent.speed; this.swapDepths(Math.round(this._xscale) + 100); } // End of the function stop (); var folder = "images/"; //图片文件夹 var total; var radiusX = 310; var radiusY = 90; var centerX = 400; var centerY = 150; var speed = 5.000000E-003; tn_group_mc._visible = false; fm_label.text = ""; fm_url.text = ""; var xml = new XML(); xml.ignoreWhite = true; xml.onLoad = function () { var _loc4 = this.firstChild.childNodes; total = _loc4.length; for (var _loc3 = 0; _loc3 < total; ++_loc3) { var _loc2 = tn_group_mc.duplicateMovieClip("tn" + _loc3, _loc3); _loc2.angle = _loc3 * (6.283185E+000 / total); _loc2.onEnterFrame = mover; _loc2.tn_mc.inner.loadMovie(folder + _loc4[_loc3].attributes.filename); _loc2.tn_reflection_mc.inner.loadMovie(folder + _loc4[_loc3].attributes.filename); _loc2.fm_label = _loc4[_loc3].attributes.label; _loc2.fm_url = _loc4[_loc3].attributes.url; _loc2.fm_button.onRollOver = function () { fm_label.text = "" + this._parent.fm_label; fm_url.text = "URL: " + this._parent.fm_url; }; _loc2.fm_button.onRollOut = function () { fm_label.text = ""; fm_url.text = ""; }; _loc2.fm_button.onRelease = function () { getURL(this._parent.fm_url, ""); }; } // end of for }; xml.load("xml/thumbnails.xml"); //读取xml this.onMouseMove = function () { speed = (this._xmouse - centerX) * 1.000000E-004; };xml内容
<thumbnails> <thumbnail filename="a/01.jpg" label="" url="http://www. /> <thumbnail filename="a/02.jpg" label="" url="http://www. /> <thumbnail filename="a/03.jpg" label="" url="http://www. /> <thumbnail filename="a/04.jpg" label="" url="http://www. /> <thumbnail filename="a/05.jpg" label="" url="http://www. /> <thumbnail filename="a/06.jpg" label="" url="http://www. /> <thumbnail filename="a/07.jpg" label="" url="http://www. /> <thumbnail filename="a/08.jpg" label="" url="http://www. /> </thumbnails>