我是初学者 麻烦大家告诉我这个错在哪里?为什么运行不了?错了该怎么改
int main(void)
printf("Variables of type char store values from %d to %d",CHAR_MIN,CHAR_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type unsigned char store values from 0 to %u",UCHAR_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type short store values from %d to %d",SHRT_MIN,SHRT_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type unsigned short store values from 0 to %u",USHRT_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type int store values from %d to %d",INT_MIN,INT_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type unsigned int store values from 0 to %u",UINT_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type long store values from %ld to %ld",LONG_MIN,LONG_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type unsigned long storevalues from 0 to %lu",ULONG_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type long long store values from %lld to %lld",LLONG_MIN,LLONG_MAX);<--- Turbo c 提示这里有出错 但是我不知道怎么错了!
printf("\nVariables of type unsigned long long store values from 0 to %llu",ULLONG_MAX);
printf("\n\nThe size of the smallest non-zero value of typefloat is%.3e,"FLT_MIN);
printf("\nThe size of the largest value of type float is %.3e",FLT_MAX);
printf("\nThe size of the smallest non-zero value of type double is %.3e",DBL_MIN);
printf("\nThe size of the smallest non-zero value ~CCC of type long double is %.3Le",LDBL_MIN);
printf("\nThe size of the largest value of type long double is %.3Le\n",LDBL_MAX);
printf("\nVariables of type double provide %u decimal digits precision.",FLT_DIG);
printf("\nVariables of type double provide %u decimal digits precision.",DBL_DIG);
printf("\nVariables of type long double provide %u decimal digits precision.",LDBL_DIG);
return 0;
另外各位初学者 我现在用的是Turbo c 请问大家都在用这个么? 我安装了Microso ft Visual Studio 2008 !还是在用这个?
由于我是初学者 完全看不懂 Studio 2008 这个软件 连怎么运行都不懂!