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'作  用:采用手动分页方式显示文章具体的内容
'参  数:str1,str2,str3
Function ManualPagination1(str1,str2)
    dim ArticleId,strContent,CurrentPage
    dim ContentLen,pages,i
    dim arrContent,ManualPagination_Tmp
    ArticleId = str1
    strContent = str2
    if Instr(strContent,"[yao_page]")<=0 then
        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & strContent
        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "</p>"

        if CurrentPage="" then
        end if
        if CurrentPage<1 then CurrentPage=1
        if CurrentPage>pages then CurrentPage=pages

        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & arrContent(CurrentPage-1)

        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "</p><div id=""clear""></div><div id=""page""><ul>"
        if CurrentPage>1 then
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='List.asp?ID=" & ArticleId & "&Page=" & CurrentPage-1
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "'>上一页</a></li>"
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>上一页</span></li>"
        end if
        for i=1 to pages
            if i=CurrentPage then
                ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>" & cstr(i) & "</span></li>"
                ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='List.asp?ID=" & ArticleId & "&Page=" & i
                ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "'>" & i & "</a></li>"
            end if
            'if (i Mod 10) = 0 then ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<br>"
        if CurrentPage<pages then
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='List.asp?ID=" & ArticleId & "&Page=" & CurrentPage+1
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "'>下一页</a></li>"
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>下一页</span></li>"
        end if
        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "</ul></div>"                
    end if
    ManualPagination1 = ManualPagination_Tmp
end Function

'作  用:采用手动分页方式显示文章具体的内容
'参  数:str1,str2,str3
Function ManualPagination2(str1,str2)
    dim ArticleId,strContent,CurrentPage
    dim ContentLen,pages,i
    dim arrContent,ManualPagination_Tmp
    ArticleId = str1
    strContent = str2
    if Instr(strContent,"[yao_page]")<=0 then
        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & strContent
        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "</p>"

        if CurrentPage="" then
        end if
        if CurrentPage<1 then CurrentPage=1
        if CurrentPage>pages then CurrentPage=pages

        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & arrContent(CurrentPage-1)

        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "</p><div id=""clear""></div><div id=""page""><ul>"
        if CurrentPage>1 then
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='?" & ArticleId & "_" & CurrentPage-1 & ".html"
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "'>上一页</a></li>"
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>上一页</span></li>"
        end if
        for i=1 to pages
            if i=CurrentPage then
                ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>" & cstr(i) & "</span></li>"
                ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='?" & ArticleId & "_" & i & ".html"
                ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "'>" & i & "</a></li>"
            end if
            'if (i Mod 10) = 0 then ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<br>"
        if CurrentPage<pages then
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='?" & ArticleId & "_" & CurrentPage+1 & ".html"
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "'>下一页</a></li>"
            ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>下一页</span></li>"
        end if
        ManualPagination_Tmp = ManualPagination_Tmp & "</ul></div>"                
    end if
    ManualPagination2 = ManualPagination_Tmp
end Function

'作  用:采用自动分页方式显示文章具体的内容,Asp模式
'参  数:str1,str2,str3
Function AutoPagination1(str1,str2,str3)
    dim AutoPagination_Tmp
    dim ArticleId,strContent,CurrentPage
    dim ContentLen,MaxPerPage,pages,i,lngBound
    dim BeginPoint,EndPoint
    ArticleId = str1
    strContent = Lcase(str2)
    MaxPerPage = str3
    if ContentLen<=MaxPerPage then
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & strContent
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & ""
        if CurrentPage="" then
        end if
        if MaxPerPage*pages<ContentLen then
        end if
        lngBound=ContentLen          '最大误差范围
        if CurrentPage<1 then CurrentPage=1
        if CurrentPage>pages then CurrentPage=pages

        dim lngTemp
        dim lngTemp1,lngTemp1_1,lngTemp1_2,lngTemp1_1_1,lngTemp1_1_2,lngTemp1_1_3,lngTemp1_2_1,lngTemp1_2_2,lngTemp1_2_3
        dim lngTemp2,lngTemp2_1,lngTemp2_2,lngTemp2_1_1,lngTemp2_1_2,lngTemp2_2_1,lngTemp2_2_2
        dim lngTemp3,lngTemp3_1,lngTemp3_2,lngTemp3_1_1,lngTemp3_1_2,lngTemp3_2_1,lngTemp3_2_2
        dim lngTemp4,lngTemp4_1,lngTemp4_2,lngTemp4_1_1,lngTemp4_1_2,lngTemp4_2_1,lngTemp4_2_2
        dim lngTemp5,lngTemp5_1,lngTemp5_2
        dim lngTemp6,lngTemp6_1,lngTemp6_2
        if CurrentPage=1 then
            if lngTemp1_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_1_2>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_1_3>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp1_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_2_2>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_2_3>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp1_1=0 and lngTemp1_2=0 then
                if lngTemp1_1>lngTemp1_2 then
                end if
            end if

            if lngTemp2_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp2_1_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp2_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp2_2_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp2_1=0 and lngTemp2_2=0 then
                if lngTemp2_1>lngTemp2_2 then
                end if
            end if

            if lngTemp3_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp3_1_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp3_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp3_2_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp3_1=0 and lngTemp3_2=0 then
                if lngTemp3_1>lngTemp3_2 then
                end if
            end if
            if lngTemp1<lngTemp2 then
            end if
            if lngTemp<lngTemp3 then
            end if

            if lngTemp>BeginPoint and lngTemp<=BeginPoint+lngBound then
                if lngTemp4_1_1>0 then
                elseif lngTemp4_1_2>0 then
                end if
                if lngTemp4_2_1>0 then
                elseif lngTemp4_2_2>0 then
                end if
                if lngTemp4_1=0 and lngTemp4_2=0 then
                    if lngTemp4_1>lngTemp4_2 then
                    end if
                end if
                if lngTemp4>BeginPoint and lngTemp4<=BeginPoint+lngBound then
                    if lngTemp5_1>0 then
                    elseif lngTemp5_2>0 then
                    end if
                    if lngTemp5>BeginPoint and lngTemp5<BeginPoint+lngBound then
                        if lngTemp6_1>0 then
                        elseif lngTemp6_2>0 then
                        end if
                        if lngTemp6>BeginPoint and lngTemp6<BeginPoint+lngBound then
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end if

        if CurrentPage=pages then
          if EndPoint>=ContentLen then
            if lngTemp1_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_1_2>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_1_3>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp1_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_2_2>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_2_3>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp1_1=0 and lngTemp1_2=0 then
                if lngTemp1_1>lngTemp1_2 then
                end if
            end if

            if lngTemp2_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp2_1_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp2_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp2_2_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp2_1=0 and lngTemp2_2=0 then
                if lngTemp2_1>lngTemp2_2 then
                end if
            end if

            if lngTemp3_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp3_1_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp3_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp3_2_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp3_1=0 and lngTemp3_2=0 then
                if lngTemp3_1>lngTemp3_2 then
                end if
            end if
            if lngTemp1<lngTemp2 then
            end if
            if lngTemp<lngTemp3 then
            end if

            if lngTemp>EndPoint and lngTemp<=EndPoint+lngBound then
                if lngTemp4_1_1>0 then
                elseif lngTemp4_1_2>0 then
                end if
                if lngTemp4_2_1>0 then
                elseif lngTemp4_2_2>0 then
                end if
                if lngTemp4_1=0 and lngTemp4_2=0 then
                    if lngTemp4_1>lngTemp4_2 then
                    end if
                end if
                if lngTemp4>EndPoint and lngTemp4<=EndPoint+lngBound then
                    if lngTemp5_1>0 then
                    elseif lngTemp5_2>0 then
                    end if
                    if lngTemp5>EndPoint and lngTemp5<EndPoint+lngBound then
                        if lngTemp6_1>0 then
                        elseif lngTemp6_2>0 then
                        end if
                        if lngTemp6>EndPoint and lngTemp6<EndPoint+lngBound then
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end if
          end if
        end if
        if EndPoint < BeginPoint then
            'BeginPoint = BeginPoint + str4
            'EndPoint = BeginPoint + str4
        end if

        On Error Resume Next
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & mid(strContent,BeginPoint,EndPoint-BeginPoint)
        If Err Then
            'response.Write "BeginPoint = "& BeginPoint
            'response.Write "<br>"
            'response.Write "EndPoint = "& EndPoint
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "</p><div id=""clear""></div><p align=center style='color:red;'>对不起,自动分页错误,请直接点下一页即可接上页继续。</p>"
        End If

        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "</p><div id=""clear""></div><div id=""page""><ul>"
        if CurrentPage>1 then
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='List.asp?ID=" & ArticleId & "&Page=" & CurrentPage-1
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "'>上一页</a></li>"
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>上一页</span></li>"
        end if
        for i=1 to pages
            if i=CurrentPage then
                AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>" & cstr(i) & "</span></li>"
                AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='List.asp?ID=" & ArticleId & "&Page=" & i
                AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "'>" & i & "</a></li>"
            end if
            if (i Mod 12) = 0 then AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "</ul><ul>"
        if CurrentPage<pages then
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='List.asp?ID=" & ArticleId & "&Page=" & CurrentPage+1
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "'>下一页</a></li>"
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>下一页</span></li>"
        end if
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "</ul></div>"
    end if
    AutoPagination1 = AutoPagination_Tmp
end Function

'作  用:采用自动分页方式显示文章具体的内容,伪静态模式
'参  数:str1,str2,str3
Function AutoPagination2(str1,str2,str3)
    dim AutoPagination_Tmp
    dim ArticleId,strContent,CurrentPage
    dim ContentLen,MaxPerPage,pages,i,lngBound
    dim BeginPoint,EndPoint
    ArticleId = str1
    strContent = Lcase(str2)
    MaxPerPage = str3
    if ContentLen<=MaxPerPage then
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & strContent
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & ""
        if CurrentPage="" then
        end if
        if MaxPerPage*pages<ContentLen then
        end if
        lngBound=ContentLen          '最大误差范围
        if CurrentPage<1 then CurrentPage=1
        if CurrentPage>pages then CurrentPage=pages

        dim lngTemp
        dim lngTemp1,lngTemp1_1,lngTemp1_2,lngTemp1_1_1,lngTemp1_1_2,lngTemp1_1_3,lngTemp1_2_1,lngTemp1_2_2,lngTemp1_2_3
        dim lngTemp2,lngTemp2_1,lngTemp2_2,lngTemp2_1_1,lngTemp2_1_2,lngTemp2_2_1,lngTemp2_2_2
        dim lngTemp3,lngTemp3_1,lngTemp3_2,lngTemp3_1_1,lngTemp3_1_2,lngTemp3_2_1,lngTemp3_2_2
        dim lngTemp4,lngTemp4_1,lngTemp4_2,lngTemp4_1_1,lngTemp4_1_2,lngTemp4_2_1,lngTemp4_2_2
        dim lngTemp5,lngTemp5_1,lngTemp5_2
        dim lngTemp6,lngTemp6_1,lngTemp6_2
        if CurrentPage=1 then
            if lngTemp1_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_1_2>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_1_3>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp1_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_2_2>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_2_3>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp1_1=0 and lngTemp1_2=0 then
                if lngTemp1_1>lngTemp1_2 then
                end if
            end if

            if lngTemp2_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp2_1_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp2_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp2_2_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp2_1=0 and lngTemp2_2=0 then
                if lngTemp2_1>lngTemp2_2 then
                end if
            end if

            if lngTemp3_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp3_1_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp3_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp3_2_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp3_1=0 and lngTemp3_2=0 then
                if lngTemp3_1>lngTemp3_2 then
                end if
            end if
            if lngTemp1<lngTemp2 then

            end if
            if lngTemp<lngTemp3 then
            end if

            if lngTemp>BeginPoint and lngTemp<=BeginPoint+lngBound then
                if lngTemp4_1_1>0 then
                elseif lngTemp4_1_2>0 then
                end if
                if lngTemp4_2_1>0 then
                elseif lngTemp4_2_2>0 then
                end if
                if lngTemp4_1=0 and lngTemp4_2=0 then
                    if lngTemp4_1>lngTemp4_2 then
                    end if
                end if
                if lngTemp4>BeginPoint and lngTemp4<=BeginPoint+lngBound then
                    if lngTemp5_1>0 then
                    elseif lngTemp5_2>0 then
                    end if
                    if lngTemp5>BeginPoint and lngTemp5<BeginPoint+lngBound then
                        if lngTemp6_1>0 then
                        elseif lngTemp6_2>0 then
                        end if
                        if lngTemp6>BeginPoint and lngTemp6<BeginPoint+lngBound then
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end if

        if CurrentPage=pages then
          if EndPoint>=ContentLen then
            if lngTemp1_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_1_2>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_1_3>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp1_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_2_2>0 then
            elseif lngTemp1_2_3>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp1_1=0 and lngTemp1_2=0 then
                if lngTemp1_1>lngTemp1_2 then
                end if
            end if

            if lngTemp2_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp2_1_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp2_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp2_2_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp2_1=0 and lngTemp2_2=0 then
                if lngTemp2_1>lngTemp2_2 then
                end if
            end if

            if lngTemp3_1_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp3_1_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp3_2_1>0 then
            elseif lngTemp3_2_2>0 then
            end if
            if lngTemp3_1=0 and lngTemp3_2=0 then
                if lngTemp3_1>lngTemp3_2 then
                end if
            end if
            if lngTemp1<lngTemp2 then
            end if
            if lngTemp<lngTemp3 then
            end if

            if lngTemp>EndPoint and lngTemp<=EndPoint+lngBound then
                if lngTemp4_1_1>0 then
                elseif lngTemp4_1_2>0 then
                end if
                if lngTemp4_2_1>0 then
                elseif lngTemp4_2_2>0 then
                end if
                if lngTemp4_1=0 and lngTemp4_2=0 then
                    if lngTemp4_1>lngTemp4_2 then
                    end if
                end if
                if lngTemp4>EndPoint and lngTemp4<=EndPoint+lngBound then
                    if lngTemp5_1>0 then
                    elseif lngTemp5_2>0 then
                    end if
                    if lngTemp5>EndPoint and lngTemp5<EndPoint+lngBound then
                        if lngTemp6_1>0 then
                        elseif lngTemp6_2>0 then
                        end if
                        if lngTemp6>EndPoint and lngTemp6<EndPoint+lngBound then
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end if
          end if
        end if
        if EndPoint < BeginPoint then
            'BeginPoint = BeginPoint + str4
            'EndPoint = BeginPoint + str4
        end if

        On Error Resume Next
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & mid(strContent,BeginPoint,EndPoint-BeginPoint)
        If Err Then
            'response.Write "BeginPoint = "& BeginPoint
            'response.Write "<br>"
            'response.Write "EndPoint = "& EndPoint
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "</p><div id=""clear""></div><p align=center style='color:red;'>对不起,自动分页错误,请直接点下一页即可接上页继续。</p>"
        End If

        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "</p><div id=""clear""></div>" & VbCrLf
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<div id=""page""><ul>" & VbCrLf
        if CurrentPage>1 then
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='?" & ArticleId & "_" & CurrentPage-1
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & ".html'>上一页</a></li>" & VbCrLf
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>上一页</span></li>" & VbCrLf
        end if
        for i=1 to pages
            if i=CurrentPage then
                AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>" & cstr(i) & "</span></li>" & VbCrLf
                AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='?" & ArticleId & "_" & i
                AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & ".html'>" & i & "</a></li>" & VbCrLf
            end if
            if (i Mod 12) = 0 then AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "</ul><ul>"
        if CurrentPage<pages then
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><a href='?" & ArticleId & "_" & CurrentPage+1
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & ".html'>下一页</a></li>" & VbCrLf
            AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "<li><span>下一页</span></li>" & VbCrLf
        end if
        AutoPagination_Tmp = AutoPagination_Tmp & "</ul></div>"& VbCrLf
    end if
    AutoPagination2 = AutoPagination_Tmp
end Function
" border="0" />

想改成这种分页" border="0" />

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