Private Sub mnucbqd_Click()
打印 Preview, "用户抄表清单"
End Sub
Private Sub mnuyhcbqd_Click()
打印 True, "用户抄表清单"
End Sub
Private Sub mnuylcbqd_Click()
打印 False, "用户抄表清单"
End Sub
Private Sub m抄部分表_Click()
Dim obj As Object
Set obj = CreateObject("财务抄表.clscbM165")
Set obj.mycns = mycns
Set obj = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub m抄所有表_Click()
Dim obj As Object
Set obj = CreateObject("财务抄表.clscbM165")
Set obj.mycns = mycns
Set obj = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub pop_pub_Click()
打印 Preview, "公用表抄表清单"
End Sub
Private Sub pop_unit_Click()
打印 Preview, "单元表抄表清单"
End Sub
Private Sub pubgrid_KeyPressEdit(ByVal row As Long, ByVal col As Long, KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
If pubgrid.row < pubgrid.Rows - 1 Then pubgrid.row = pubgrid.row + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
On Error GoTo e:
Dim adoTmp As New ADODB.Recordset
'Dim Myhour As New CHourGlass
Select Case Button.Key
Case "打印"
Preview = True
PopupMenu pop_print
Case "预览"
Preview = False
PopupMenu pop_print
Case "结束"
If 权限("结束抄表") Then
strmsg = " 如果进行此操作,您将结束本次单元表抄表并开始一次新的抄表任务,系统将采用文本框中的内容对本次抄表进行标志,您确定吗?"
MilterTab.Tab = 0
frmNewMilter.Show vbModal
If Not frmNewMilter.Cancel Then
' CboUnitPeriod.ListIndex = 0
If MilterTab.Tab = 1 Then
CboPubMilter.ListIndex = 0
CboUnitPeriod.ListIndex = 0
CboUnitMilter.ListIndex = 0
End If
End If
End If
Case "删除"
If Not 权限("删除抄表记录") Then Exit Sub
If Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) = "<当前抄表期间>" Then
MsgBox "当前抄表期间的抄表不能删除!", vbInformation, soft
Exit Sub
End If
If MsgBox("您确定删除" & CboUnitPeriod.Text & "的抄表吗 ?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, soft) = vbYes Then
mycns.execute "delete from 单元表抄表 where 抄表终止日期='" & Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) & "'"
mycns.execute "delete from 公用表抄表 where 抄表终止日期='" & Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) & "'"
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To CboUnitPeriod.ListCount - 1
If Trim(CboUnitPeriod.List(i)) = Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) Then
CboUnitPeriod.RemoveItem i
Exit For
End If
unitgrid.Rows = 1
pubgrid.Rows = 1
CboUnitPeriod.Text = ""
End If
Case "帮助"
' m_contains_Click
Case "退出"
Unload Me
Case "保存"
If (Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) <> "<当前抄表期间>") Then
If MsgBox("是否将读数更改到<当前抄表期间中>吗?", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, soft) = vbOK Then
mycns.execute "UPDATE 单元表抄表 set 单元表抄表.上次读数=B.本次读数,单元表抄表.本次读数=B.本次读数 FROM(SELECT * FROM 单元表抄表 WHERE 抄表终止日期='" & Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) & "') AS B WHERE 单元表抄表.单元编号=B.单元编号 and 单元表抄表.表名称=B.表名称 and 单元表抄表.抄表终止日期='<当前抄表期间>'"
MsgBox "<当前抄表期间>记录已更新!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, soft
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Case "刷新"
Case "XLS"
If MilterTab.Tab = 0 Then
exportExcel unitgrid
exportExcel pubgrid
End If
End Select
Exit Sub
e: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, soft
End Sub
Sub nextMilter()
Dim i As Integer
Dim strGrid As String
Dim mycmd As New Command, pin1 As Parameter, pin2 As Parameter
mycmd.ActiveConnection = mycns
mycmd.CommandText = "sp抄表"
mycmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
Set pin1 = mycmd.CreateParameter("jsrq", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 50, frmNewMilter.strValue)
mycmd.Parameters.Append pin1
CboUnitPeriod.AddItem frmNewMilter.strValue
End Sub
Private Sub UnitGrid_AfterEdit(ByVal row As Long, ByVal col As Long)
On Error GoTo e:
With unitgrid
bolEdit = True
' If Not IsNumeric(.TextMatrix(row, col)) Then
' If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数") Then .TextMatrix(row, col) = .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数")) - .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))
' If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数") Then .TextMatrix(row, col) = .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数"))
' If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "行度") Then .TextMatrix(row, col) = .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数")) - .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数"))
' End If
.Select row, col
Dim scxd As Currency, bcxd As Currency, bl As Integer, lc As Integer
scxd = val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
bcxd = .ValueMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数"))
bl = .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(unitgrid, "倍率"))
lc = .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(unitgrid, "量程"))
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "行度") Then
If val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) > 10 ^ lc Then
MsgBox "本次行度超过量程,出错!", vbInformation, soft
End If
If val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) > CStr(txtext.Text) Then
MsgBox "你的本次行度大于预警数,请确认是否正确!", vbInformation, soft
End If
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数")) = scxd + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) / bl 'val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数") Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = IIf(bcxd - scxd >= 0, (bcxd - scxd) * bl, (10 ^ lc + bcxd - scxd) * bl) 'val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数") Then
If bcxd > 10 ^ lc Then
MsgBox "本次读数超过量程,出错!", vbInformation, soft
If bcxd < scxd Then
If MsgBox("你输入的本次读数小于小次读数,是否确认归零?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, soft) = vbYes Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = IIf(bcxd - scxd >= 0, (bcxd - scxd) * bl, (10 ^ lc + bcxd - scxd) * bl) 'val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
End If
End If
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = IIf(bcxd - scxd >= 0, (bcxd - scxd) * bl, (10 ^ lc + bcxd - scxd) * bl)
If val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) > CStr(txtext.Text) Then
MsgBox "你的行度大于预警数,请确认是否正确!", vbInformation, soft
End If
End If
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "倍率") Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = IIf(bcxd - scxd >= 0, (bcxd - scxd) * bl, (10 ^ lc + bcxd - scxd) * bl) 'val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
' If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数") Then
' .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数"))) - val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
' End If
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "行度") Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数")) = scxd + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) / bl 'val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数") Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = IIf(bcxd - scxd >= 0, (bcxd - scxd) * bl, (10 ^ lc + bcxd - scxd) * bl) 'val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数") Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = IIf(bcxd - scxd >= 0, (bcxd - scxd) * bl, (10 ^ lc + bcxd - scxd) * bl) 'val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "倍率") Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = IIf(bcxd - scxd >= 0, (bcxd - scxd) * bl, (10 ^ lc + bcxd - scxd) * bl) 'val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
If bcxd - scxd < 0 Then
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = &HC0C0FF
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = vbWhite
End If
If Not IsNull(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "id"))) And Trim(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "id"))) <> "" Then
mycns.execute " update 单元表抄表 set 行度=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) & " , 本次读数=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数")) & ", 上次读数=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数")) & ", 倍率=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "倍率")) & " ,备注='" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "备注")) & "' where id=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(unitgrid, "id"))
End If
End With
Exit Sub
e: MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, soft
End Sub
Private Sub 检查用量()
On Error GoTo e:
With unitgrid
Select Case 最高用量
Case 0
' unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = vbWhite
Case 1
If .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 1) > 0 Then
If val(unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, .row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) > .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 1) Then
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = &HC0C0FF
Exit Sub
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = vbWhite
End If
End If
Case 2
If .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 1) > 0 Then
If val(unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, .row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) > .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 1) Then
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, .row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 1)
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = vbWhite
Exit Sub
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = vbWhite
End If
End If
End Select
Select Case 最低用量
Case 0
' unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, .col) = vbWhite
Case 1
If .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 2) > 0 Then
If val(unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, .row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) < .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 2) Then
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = &HC0C0FF
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = vbWhite
End If
End If
Case 2
If .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 2) > 0 Then
If val(unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, .row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) < .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 2) Then
If val(unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, .row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度"))) <> 0 Then 'qinyong050708
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, .row, FindCol(unitgrid, "行度")) = .ValueMatrix(.row, .Cols - 2)
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = vbWhite
End If
unitgrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, .row, 0, .row, 11) = vbWhite
End If
End If
End Select
End With
Exit Sub
e: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, soft
End Sub
Private Sub UnitGrid_BeforeEdit(ByVal row As Long, ByVal col As Long, Cancel As Boolean)
If col = FindCol(unitgrid, "本次读数") Or col = FindCol(unitgrid, "行度") Or col = FindCol(unitgrid, "上次读数") Or col = FindCol(unitgrid, "备注") Or col = FindCol(unitgrid, "倍率") Then
Cancel = False
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pubGrid_AfterEdit(ByVal row As Long, ByVal col As Long)
On Error GoTo doit:
Dim bcrow As Long, Scrow As Long
bolEdit = True
With pubgrid
bolEdit = True
' If Not IsNumeric(.TextMatrix(row, col)) Then
' If col = FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数") Then .TextMatrix(row, col) = .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数")) - .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度"))
' If col = FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数") Then .TextMatrix(row, col) = .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数"))
' If col = FindCol(pubgrid, "行度") Then .TextMatrix(row, col) = .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数")) - .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数"))
' End If
bcrow = FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数")
Scrow = FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数")
If col = bcrow Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) = (val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数"))) - val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数")))) * .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "倍率"))
If .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) < 0 Then .Cell(flexcpText, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) = .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) + 10 ^ .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "量程"))
End If
If col = Scrow Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) = (val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数"))) - val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数")))) * .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "倍率"))
If .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) < 0 Then .Cell(flexcpText, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) = .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) + 10 ^ .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "量程"))
End If
If col = FindCol(pubgrid, "倍率") Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) = (val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数"))) - val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数")))) * .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "倍率"))
If .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) < 0 Then .Cell(flexcpText, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) = .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) + 10 ^ .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "量程"))
End If
If col = FindCol(pubgrid, "行度") Then
.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数")) = val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度"))) / .Cell(flexcpValue, row, FindCol(pubgrid, "倍率")) + val(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数")))
End If
If Not IsNull(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "id"))) And Trim(.TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "id"))) <> "" Then
mycns.execute " update 公用表抄表 set 行度=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "行度")) & " , 倍率=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "倍率")) & ",本次读数=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数")) & ",上次读数=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数")) & " ,备注='" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "备注")) & "'" & " where id=" & .TextMatrix(row, FindCol(pubgrid, "id"))
End If
If .ValueMatrix(row, bcrow) < .ValueMatrix(row, Scrow) Then
.Cell(flexcpBackColor, row, 0, row, .Cols - 1) = &HC0C0FF
.Cell(flexcpBackColor, row, 0, row, .Cols - 1) = vbWhite
End If
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, soft
End Sub
Private Sub pubGrid_BeforeEdit(ByVal row As Long, ByVal col As Long, Cancel As Boolean)
' If CboUnitPeriod.ListIndex = 0 Then
If col = FindCol(pubgrid, "本次读数") Or col = FindCol(pubgrid, "行度") Or col = FindCol(pubgrid, "上次读数") Or col = FindCol(pubgrid, "倍率") Or col = FindCol(pubgrid, "备注") Then
Cancel = False
Cancel = True
End If
' Else
' Cancel = True
' End If
End Sub
Public Sub 打印(打印 As Boolean, billname As String)
On Error Resume Next
' Dim strwhere As String
kfxview11.connectstring = 连接串
kfxview11.用户名称 = 使用单位名称
kfxview11.操作员 = 当前操作员
Select Case billname
Case "用户抄表清单"
If 打印用户抄表清单 = False Then Exit Sub
kfxview11.billname = "用户抄表清单"
kfxview11.billtype = "1"
' kfxview11.strwhere = Mid(strUnitPeriod & strUnitMilter, 5)
kfxview11.strwhere = ""
Case "单元表抄表清单"
kfxview11.billname = "单元表抄表清单"
kfxview11.billtype = "1"
' kfxview11.strwhere = Mid(strUnitPeriod & strUnitMilter, 5)
kfxview11.strwhere = strwhere
kfxview11.strorderby = "单元编号,表名称"
Case "公用表抄表清单"
If MilterTab.Tab = 0 Then
MsgBox "请切换到公用表/总表视图!", vbInformation, soft
Exit Sub
End If
kfxview11.billname = "公用表抄表清单"
kfxview11.billtype = "1"
' kfxview11.strwhere = Mid(strPubPeriod & strPubMilter, 6)
kfxview11.strwhere = strwhere
End Select
If kfxview11.loaddata() Then
kfxview11.Play 打印
End If
End Sub
Private Function 打印用户抄表清单() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim dyntemp As New ADODB.Recordset, zhbh As String
Dim dynprint As New ADODB.Recordset, i As Integer
If unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, unitgrid.row, FindCol(unitgrid, "住户名称")) = "" Then
MsgBox "本清单只打印某个住户的所有表,所以,请选择您想打印的住户!", vbInformation, soft
打印用户抄表清单 = False
Exit Function
End If
dyntemp.Open "select * from view单元表抄表 where 住户名称='" + unitgrid.Cell(flexcpText, unitgrid.row, FindCol(unitgrid, "住户名称")) + "' and 抄表终止日期='" + Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) + "'", mycns, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
mycns.execute "delete from 用户抄表清单"
If Not dyntemp.eof Then
zhbh = dyntemp!住户编号
Set dyntemp = Nothing
dyntemp.Open "select * from view单元表抄表 where 住户编号='" + zhbh + "' and 抄表终止日期='" + Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) + "'", mycns, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
dynprint.Open "select * from 用户抄表清单 ", mycns, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Do While Not dyntemp.eof
'MsgBox dynprint.Fields.Count
For i = 0 To dyntemp.Fields.Count - 1
dynprint.Fields(i) = dyntemp.Fields(i)
dyntemp.Close: Set dyntemp = Nothing
dynprint.Close: Set dynprint = Nothing
dyntemp.Open "select count(*) as hs from view单元表抄表 where 住户编号='" + zhbh + "' and 抄表终止日期='" + Trim(CboUnitPeriod.Text) + "'", mycns, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
mycns.execute "update 单据类别 set 行数1=" + CStr(dyntemp!hs) + " where 单据名称='用户抄表清单'"
dyntemp.Close: Set dyntemp = Nothing
End If
打印用户抄表清单 = True
End Function
Private Sub unitgrid_DblClick()
End Sub
Private Sub unitgrid_KeyPressEdit(ByVal row As Long, ByVal col As Long, KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 And row <> unitgrid.Rows - 1 Then unitgrid.row = unitgrid.row + 1
End Sub
Private Sub 接收自动抄表读数_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objrun As Object
Set objrun = CreateObject("西安抄表.CbclassM165")
objrun.抄表管理 mycns
Set objrun = Nothing
'frm接收自动抄表读数.Show 1
'If frm接收自动抄表读数.ok Then
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub 配表设置_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim obj As Object
If 权限("单元配表") Then
Set obj = CreateObject("西安抄表.CbclassM165")
' obj.西安抄表 mycns
' Case 7
obj.抄表管理 mycns
Set obj = Nothing
系统日志 "用户抄表", "进入配表设置"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 西安抄表_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim obj As Object
If 权限("抄表接口") Then
Set obj = CreateObject("西安抄表.CbclassM165")
obj.西安抄表 mycns
Set obj = Nothing
系统日志 "用户抄表", "进入抄表"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub 总表读数表_Click()
End Sub