回复:(爱人)pb 日期问题 连接的ORACLE
pb如何设置机器时间 ?
Set the system date/time
[structure definition , str_systemtime]
year uint
month uint
dayweek uint
day uint
hour uint
min uint
sec uint
millsec uint
[local external function declaration]
FUNCTION long SetLocalTime(ref str_systemtime lpSystemTime ) &
LIBRARY "kernel32.dll"
[clicked event of a button]
str_systemtime lstr_systemtime
lstr_systemtime.year = 1999
lstr_systemtime.month = 1 // January = 1 and so on.
lstr_systemtime.dayweek = 0 // not used
lstr_systemtime.day = 3
lstr_systemtime.hour = 12
lstr_systemtime.min = 0
lstr_systemtime.sec = 0
lstr_systemtime.millsec = 0