int do_dup(int a[],int N)
File name: 一道思科的笔试题.cpp
Author: HJin (email: fish_sea_bird [at] yahoo [dot] com )
Created on: 8/22/2007 05:11:39
Environment: Windows XP Professional SP2 English +
Visual Studio 2005 v8.0.50727.762
Modification history:
int do_dup(int a[],int N)
Sample output:
4 6 19 15 17 7 0 18 12 10 14 5 16 8 1 3 9 2 13 11
4 6 19 15 17 7 0 18 12 10 14 5 16 8 1 3 9 2 13
The missing number is 11
Press any key to continue . . .
5 7 8 0 9 10 12 19 17 18 13 11 4 14 2 15 3 1 6 16
5 7 8 0 9 10 12 19 17 18 13 11 4 14 2 15 3 1 6
The missing number is 16
Press any key to continue . . .
#include <iostream>
#include "hjns.h" // my namesapce file (you don't own it)
using namespace std;
My random permutation algorithm.
You will not be able to run this.
void randPerm(int* a, int n);
/** O(N) space + O(N) time algorithm. This algorithm
uses an extra flags buffer.
* @param a --- the int buffer
* @param n --- size of the buffer
* @return returns the the missing number
int findMissingInt(int*a, int n);
/** O(1) space + O(N) time algorithm. This algorithm
calculates the sum of 1+2+...N, so that N*(N+1)/2 has
to be less than INT_MAX. In other words, this works for
small N.
* @param a --- the int buffer
* @param n --- size of the buffer
* @return returns the the missing number
int findMissingInt2(int*a, int n);
/** O(1) space + O(N) time algorithm. Use the properties
of exclusive or (the ^ operator). This is one of the
best algorithms.
* @param a --- the int buffer
* @param n --- size of the buffer
* @return returns the the missing number
int findMissingInt3(int*a, int n);
int main()
const int kSize = 20;
int a[kSize];
randPerm(a, kSize);
hj::print(a, kSize);
hj::print(a, kSize-1);
cout<<"The missing number is "<<findMissingInt(a, kSize-1)<<endl;
return 0;
void randPerm(int* a, int n)
int i;
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
a[i] = i;
hj::number::random rd;
for(i=1; i<n; ++i)
hj::swap(a[i], a[rd(0, i)]);
int findMissingInt(int*a, int n)
int* b =new int[n+1];
int i;
memset(b, 0, (n+1)*sizeof(int));
//for(i=0; i<=n; ++i)
// b[i] = 0;
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
b[a[i]] = 1;
for(i=0; i<=n; ++i)
if( b[i] == 0 )
return i;
delete [] b;
return -1;
int findMissingInt2(int*a, int n)
int i;
int sum=0;
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
return sum;
int findMissingInt3(int*a, int n)
int res = 0;
int i;
for( i=0; i<n; ++i)
res ^= a[i];
for(i =0; i<=n; ++i)
res ^= i;
return res;
File name: findMissingAndDuplicate.cpp
Author: HJin (email: fish_sea_bird [at] yahoo [dot] com )
Created on: 8/22/2007 10:48:40
Environment: Windows XP Professional SP2 English +
Visual Studio 2005 v8.0.50727.762
Modification history:
Problem statement:
int do_dup(int a[],int N)
Sample output:
6 18 1 5 11 13 2 12 15 9 16 20 4 17 19 10 7 14 8 3
6 18 1 5 11 3 2 12 15 9 16 20 4 17 19 10 7 14 8 3
The duplciate number is 3
The duplciate number is 3
The missing number is 13
Press any key to continue . . .
1 14 15 10 19 17 11 3 12 5 2 20 8 9 4 7 13 18 16 6
6 14 15 10 19 17 11 3 12 5 2 20 8 9 4 7 13 18 16 6
The duplciate number is 6
The duplciate number is 6
The missing number is 1
Press any key to continue . . .
#include <iostream>
#include "hjns.h"
using namespace std;
/** O(n) space + O(n) time. Find only the duplicate
* number.
* @param a --- the int buffer
* @param n --- size of the buffer
* @param missingNumber --- the missing number
* @return returns the duplicate number.
int do_dup(int a[], int n);
/** O(n) space + O(n) time. Find both the duplicate
* number and the missing number.
* @param a --- the int buffer
* @param n --- size of the buffer
* @param missingNumber --- the missing number
* @return returns the duplicate number.
int findDuplicatesAndMissing(int*a, int n, int& missingNumber);
int main()
const int kSize = 20;
int a[kSize];
int missingNumber;
int dupIndex;
int duplicate;
// generate a valid input:
// a[kSize-1] is one of the two duplicates
hj::number::randPerm(a, kSize);
hj::print(a, kSize);
hj::number::random rd;
dupIndex = rd(0, kSize-2);
a[dupIndex] = a[kSize-1];
hj::print(a, kSize);
cout<<"The duplciate number is "<<do_dup(a, kSize)<<endl;
duplicate = findDuplicatesAndMissing(a, kSize, missingNumber);
cout<<"The duplciate number is "<<duplicate<<endl;
cout<<"The missing number is "<<missingNumber<<endl;
return 0;
int do_dup(int a[], int n)
int *b;
int i;
b = new int[n+1];
memset(b, 0, (n+1)*sizeof(int));
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i)
delete [] b;
return i;
int findDuplicatesAndMissing(int*a, int n, int& missingNumber)
int *b;
int i;
int dup;
b = new int[n+1];
memset(b, 0, (n+1)*sizeof(int));
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i)
dup = i;
else if(b[i]==0)
missingNumber = i;
delete [] b;
return dup;