you don't need to learn c from stratch. That has been said, you sitll need to know the basics of C. There are many reasons:
1. there is an enormous amount of legacy C code out there, and you may need to understand it one day;
2. some hardware related programming needs to use C, instead of C++;
3. If you are going to take software engineer as your profession, your colleagues will mock at you if you don't know C the same as you know your hands
to name but a few.
However, you don't need to spend one semester to learn C. You learn C in the process of making your C++ skills perfect.
Once you reach the level where problem-solving technique values more than a specific language (syntax and proficiency), you will determine in a few seconds:
I will use Java for task #1, use C/C++ for task #2, use Python for #3, Perl for $4 ....