c++ The c++ programming language third edition ,Bjarne strosrup
C++ premier third edition Stanley, Lippman&Josee Lajoie
C&C++ code capsules, Chunk Allison
Eckel's Computer Interfacing with Pascal&C
using C++
C++ inside&out
Thinking in c++
Black belt c++ the master's collection
Thinking in java
深入研究Effective C++ 和 More Effective C++
Ruminations on C++ ,Andrew koeing&Barbara Mco
Large-Scale C++ software design ,John lakos
C++ Gens StanLippman (SIGS publication)
The Design&Evolution of C++, Bjarne stroustrup
------(Addison-Welsley publication)
分析设计 Extreme programming Explained ,Kent Beck
UML Distilled ,Martin Flower
The Unified software Development Process ,IvarJacobsen Grady boo
Software Creativity, Robert Glass
Software Runaways:Monumental software Disasters,Robert Glass
Object lessons ,Tom Love
其实也不是我推荐的 是bruce eckel推荐的