[求助]如何在.com模式下 写中断程序??????
我写了一个 中断程序 要用 tlink *.obj /t 连接成 .com文件时总是 显示 segment-relocatable items present 源程序 如下 希望高人指点一下阿 ^_^ code segment org 100h assume cs:code,ds:code,ss:code,es:code main proc near call CLRSCR lea dx,news mov ah,09h int 21h push ds mov ax,seg IRQ mov ds,ax lea dx,IRQ mov al,0fh mov ah,25h int 21h pop ds cli and al,01111111b out 21h,al mov count,5 ;set the counter sti loop1: jmp loop1 main endp ;==================================== IRQ proc near call CLRSCR lea dx,new_IRQ mov ah,09h int 21h mov al,20h out 20h,al dec count jnz exit in al,21h or al,10000000b out 21h,al sti mov ax,4c00h int 21h exit: iret IRQ endp .... ... ... code ends end main |