回复 9楼 wanglianyi1
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #define N 50 struct student { char name[20]; char sex[20]; char college[20]; char item[20]; int ranking; }stu[N]; void menu(); void printf_face1() //定义一个面向用户的输出函数 { printf("\n\t name\t sex\t college\t item\t ranking\n"); } void printf_face() //定义一个面向用户的输出函数 { printf("\n\t number\t name\t sex\t college\t item\t ranking\n"); } void printf_one(int i) //定义一个输出函数 { printf("\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d",stu[i].name,stu[i].sex,stu[i].college,stu[i].item,stu[i].ranking); } void input(int i) //输入数据 { printf_face1(); printf("\t"); scanf("\t%s\t%s\t%s\t\t%s\t\t%d",stu[i].name,stu[i].sex,stu[i].college,stu[i].item,stu[i].ranking); } void printf_back() //返回上一界面 { printf("\n\n\t___.done. ___\n\n"); getchar(); // getchar(); // getchar(); menu(); } void save(int n) //存入数据 { FILE *fp; int i; if((fp=fopen("file","wb"))==NULL) { printf("\n open error \n"); exit(0); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) if(stu[i].name[0]!='\0') if(fwrite(&stu[i],sizeof(struct student),1,fp)!=1) //结构体依次写入文件,若写入失败则返回非0值 printf("input error\n"); fclose(fp); } int load() //打开本地已存入的数据 { FILE *fp; int i; if((fp=fopen("file","rb"))==NULL) { printf("\n open error \n"); exit(0); } for(i=0;!feof(fp);i++) fread(&stu[i],sizeof(struct student),1,fp); fclose(fp); return(i-1); } void enter() //输入原始数据 { int i,n; printf("input the number of the People(0-%d)?:",N-1); scanf("%d",&n); getchar(); //这里加个getchar(); printf("input date:\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("\n intput the record of the %d.\n",i+1); input(i); } if(i!=0) save(n); printf_back(); } void find() //查找函数// { char fs[20]; int i,n; n=load(); printf("input the sportsman's college or name of your research:"); scanf("%s",&fs); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(strcmp(stu[i].college,fs)==0) { printf("found the sportsman of your research:\n"); printf_face1(); printf_one(i); } else if(strcmp(stu[i].name,fs)==0) { printf("found the sportsman of your research:\n"); printf_face1(); printf_one(i); } else { printf("no date!\n"); } } getchar(); getchar(); menu(); } void scorer() //团体总分// { int i,n,sum=0,x; char fs[20]; n=load(); printf("input the college of your research:"); scanf("%s",&fs); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(strcmp(stu[i].college,fs)==0) { printf_face1(); printf_one(i); if(stu[i].ranking==1) x=7; else if(stu[i].ranking==2) x=5; else if(stu[i].ranking==3) x=3; else if(stu[i].ranking==4) x=2; else if(stu[i].ranking==5) x=1; else x=0; sum=sum+x; } } printf("\n总分%d:\n",sum); getchar(); getchar(); getchar(); menu(); } void menu() //主界面 { int n, w1; do{ system("cls"); puts("\t\t************************menu************************\n\n "); puts("\t\t*******************1.new************************\n\n "); puts("\t\t*******************2.search************************\n\n "); puts("\t\t*******************3.table of sum************************\n\n "); puts("\t\t*******************4.exit************************\n\n "); // puts("\n\n\t\t************ ***运动会管理系统*********************** "); printf("select(1-4): [ ]\b\b"); scanf("%d",&n); if(n<1||n>4) { w1=1; getchar(); } else w1=0; getchar(); }while(w1==1); switch(n) { case 1: enter(); break; case 2: find(); break; case 3: scorer(); break; case 6: exit(0); } } int main() //主函数 { menu(); return 0; }
[此贴子已经被作者于2016-7-7 10:05编辑过]