float A, B, C,m,f;
char op, ch,hh,M,W,T,F,Y,N;
printf("please inout your mother and father's hight\n");
scanf("%f\n%f", &m, &f);
printf("you are a men(M) or women(W) ?\n");
scanf("%c", &op);
if (op == M)A = (m + f)*0.54;
if (op == W)A = (f*0.923 + m) / 2;
printf("do you like PE? (T or F):\n");
if (ch == T)B = A*0.02;
if (ch == F)B = A;
printf("do you have a good eat habit? (Y or N):\n");
scanf("%c", &hh);
if (hh == Y)C = B*0.015;
if (hh == N)C = B;
printf("output:%f", C);