#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int my_menu() { int num; system("cls"); printf("1. Input records\n"); printf("2. Display all records\n"); printf("3. Delete a record\n"); printf("4. sort\n"); printf("5. Insert a record\n"); printf("6. Query\n"); printf("7. Add records from a Text File\n"); printf("8. Write to a Text File\n"); printf("9. research records\n"); printf("0. Quit\n"); printf("Please input the number(0~9):"); scanf("%d",&num); while(num<0||num>9) //如果输入数字不在0到9之间,则重新输入// { printf("输入错误,请重新输入!!! \n"); system("pause"); exit(3); } return(num); } main() { int i; for(i=0;;i++) { switch(my_menu()) //进入菜单,进行选择// { case(1): { system("pause"); break; } case(2): { system("pause"); break; } case(3): { printf("Please input the name to delete the record:"); break; } case(4): printf("正在排序中···"); system("pause"); break; case(5): system("pause"); break; case(6): printf("查无此人!!!\n"); system("pause"); break; case(7): system("pause"); break; case(8): system("pause"); break; case(9): system("pause"); break; case(0):{ printf("正在关闭程序......\n"); system("pause"); exit(0); } } } }