发两个在linux下折腾的结果 linux的意义在于折腾
#!/bin/bash # sunpinyin_speed_up.sh # Sunpinyin Speed Up Script for Ubuntu (by memory caching, and no data loss) # You can run this script in background on GNOME logging in. # Originally written Hubert Star, modified by Bob Robot (http://). # Modified by zklhp. # Capture the exit signal, make sure it is the FIRST uncommented line. trap "do_exit" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTERM SUN_DIR="${HOME}/.sunpinyin" SUN_DIR_BACKUP="${HOME}/.sunpinyin_backup" SHM_DIR="/dev/shm" SHM_SUN_DIR="/dev/shm/.sunpinyin" # Backup the userdict and restore all changes made by this script on exit. do_exit() { mv -f "${SHM_SUN_DIR}" "${HOME}" rm -Rdf "${SHM_SUN_DIR}" rm -Rdf "${SUN_DIR}" mv -f "${SUN_DIR_BACKUP}" "${SUN_DIR}" exit 0 } # Work around for abnormal quit. if [ -e "${SUN_DIR_BACKUP}" ]; then rm -Rdf "${SHM_SUN_DIR}" mv -f "${SUN_DIR_BACKUP}" "${SUN_DIR}" fi # Rename the real userdict, copy it to RAM and make a symblic link back. # From now on the modification and query on userdict takes place in RAM. cp -Rf "${SUN_DIR}" "${SHM_DIR}" mv -f "${SUN_DIR}" "${SUN_DIR_BACKUP}" ln -sf "${SHM_SUN_DIR}" "${SUN_DIR}" # I start fcitx here. fcitx # Automatically backup the userdict, make sure not losing the modification. p_count=0 while [ true ]; do p_count=$(($p_count+1)) sleep 1800 if [ $p_count == 2 ]; then p_count=0 cp -Rf "${SHM_SUN_DIR}" "${HOME}" fi done
解决了sunpinyin用户词库慢的问题 根据网上的一个代码改写 网上的代码只是把用户词库文件放内存了 但那样 一旦对用户词库做插入操作SQLite会生成一个journal文件 而当用户词库比较大的时候 这个文件在硬盘上的话是很慢的 于是 整个目录全部放在内存里面
该方法有一定的危险性 建议使用前做好备份 这样的话在我这里还是会卡的 只不过卡1秒 基本不影响使用就是了
这个方法的通用性比较好 可以推广到其他因为硬盘效率低而影响流畅性的软件上 前提是内存足够
第二个 linux下的emacs打开最大化或全屏
(if (string-equal system-type "gnu/linux") (progn (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions (lambda (new-make-frame) (select-frame new-make-frame) (set-frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen 'maximized) ) (set-frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen 'maximized) ) ) )
maximized 改成fullboth就是全屏 改天试试windows下好使不好使。。
[ 本帖最后由 zklhp 于 2013-3-10 10:17 编辑 ]