#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define string_size 500 typedef struct { char ch[string_size]; int len; }String; void StrAsign(String *S,char chs[]) { char *q = S->ch; /* q = (char *)malloc(sizeof(string_size));*/ strcpy(q,chs); S->len = strlen(chs); } void StrInsert(String *S,int pos,char chs[]) { int La,Lb,Lc; int RemainSize,i; char B[string_size]; La = pos; Lb = S->len - pos; Lc = strlen(chs); if( La+Lb+Lc <= string_size ) { for(i = 0; i <= Lb; i++) B[i] = S->ch[pos+i-1]; for(i = 0; i < Lc; i++) S->ch[pos+i-1] = chs[i]; for(i = 0;i <= Lb; i++) S->ch[i+pos+Lc-1] = B[i]; } else if(Lb+Lc < string_size) { RemainSize = string_size-(La+Lc); for(i = 0; i < RemainSize; i++) B[i] = S->ch[pos+i]; for(i = 0; i < Lc; i++) S->ch[pos+i] = chs[i]; for(i = 0;i < RemainSize; i++) S->ch[i+pos+Lc] = B[i]; } else { RemainSize = string_size - La; for(i = 0;i < RemainSize; i++) S->ch[pos+i] = chs[i]; } } void Compare(String S,char comstr[],int *pos) // 匹配函数,单词用错了,别踩我额,嘿嘿 { int i,j,start; int comlen; comlen = strlen(comstr); for(i = 0; i < S.len-comlen; i++) //用的是比较差的算法,每次从主串的下一个字符开始匹配 { start = i; for(j = 0; j < comlen; j++) // 每次遇到不能匹配的字符则终止循环,问题好像就出在这里,但真不知道为什么.... { if(S.ch[start] != comstr[j]) break; start++; } if(j >= comlen) { printf("It's the i value %d\n",i); *pos = i; printf("This is the pos's value %d\n",*pos); break; } } } void Delete(String *S,char delstr[]) { int delen = strlen(delstr); int i,pos; Compare(*S,delstr,&pos); for(i = 0;i < delen; i++) { S->ch[pos] = S->ch[pos+delen]; pos ++; } } void main() { String S; char chars[string_size]; char T[string_size]; char delstr[string_size]; char comstr[string_size]; int pos,pos1; puts("Pls input the string and inserted str and it's position"); scanf("%s%s%d",chars,T,&pos); StrAsign(&S,chars); puts("Now we have gotten the string of S"); puts(S.ch); StrInsert(&S,pos,T); printf("after the insert String became as the following: %s\n",S.ch); puts("please input the string to compare:"); scanf("%s",comstr); Compare(S,comstr,&pos1); printf("the postion of the comstring is %d\n",pos1); /* puts("Please input the string to del"); scanf("%s",delstr); Delete(&S,delstr); printf("The deleted string is:\n%s",S.ch); */ getch(); }