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CLEAR ALL Main() CLEAR ALL RETURN PROCEDURE Main() LOCAL loForms loForms = NEWOBJECT("C_Formset") loForms.Show READ EVENTS ENDPROC DEFINE CLASS C_Formset AS FormSet ADD OBJECT Form1 AS Form WITH Width = 600, Height = 400, AutoCenter = .T. ADD OBJECT Form2 AS Form WITH Width = 300, Height = 200, AlwaysOnTop = .T. PROCEDURE Form1.Destroy RELEASE ThisFormset ENDPROC PROCEDURE Form2.Top_Assign(tnTop) IF tnTop < ThisFormset.Form1.Top + 32 tnTop = ThisFormset.Form1.Top + 32 ENDIF This.Top = tnTop IF This.Top + This.Height > ThisFormset.Form1.Top + ThisFormset.Form1.Height - 10 This.Height = ThisFormset.Form1.Top + ThisFormset.Form1.Height - 10 - This.Top ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Form2.Left_Assign(tnLeft) IF tnLeft < ThisFormset.Form1.Left + 10 tnLeft = ThisFormset.Form1.Left + 10 ENDIF This.Left = tnLeft IF This.Left + This.Width > ThisFormset.Form1.Left + ThisFormset.Form1.Width - 10 This.Width = ThisFormset.Form1.Left + ThisFormset.Form1.Width - 10 - This.Left ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Form2.Width_Assign(tnWidth) IF This.Left + tnWidth > ThisFormset.Form1.Left + ThisFormset.Form1.Width - 10 tnWidth = ThisFormset.Form1.Left + ThisFormset.Form1.Width - 10 - This.Left ENDIF This.Width = tnWidth ENDPROC PROCEDURE Form2.Height_Assign(tnHeight) IF This.Top + tnHeight > ThisFormset.Form1.Top + ThisFormset.Form1.Height - 10 tnHeight = ThisFormset.Form1.Top + ThisFormset.Form1.Height - 10 - This.Top ENDIF This.Height = tnHeight ENDPROC PROCEDURE Init WITH ThisFormset .Form2.Top = .Form1.Top + 50 .Form2.Left = .Form1.Left + 50 ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE Destroy CLEAR EVENTS ENDPROC ENDDEFINE