#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define STACK_INIT_SEZE 100 #define STACKINCREMENT 10 #define OVERFLOW -1 #define OK 0; #define ERROR -2; typedef int SElemType; typedef struct { SElemType *base; SElemType *top; int stacksize; }SqStack; int Initstack(SqStack *s){ s->base=(SElemType*)malloc(STACK_INIT_SEZE*sizeof(SElemType)); if(!s->base) return OVERFLOW; s->top=s->base; s->stacksize=STACK_INIT_SEZE; return OK; }//initstack int Push (SqStack *s,SElemType e){ if(s->top-s->base>=s->stacksize){ s->base=(SElemType*)realloc(s->base,(s->stacksize+STACK_INIT_SEZE)*sizeof(SElemType)); if(!s->base) return OVERFLOW; s->top=s->base+s->stacksize; s->stacksize+=STACKINCREMENT; } *s->top=e; return OK; }//push int Pop(SqStack *s,SElemType e){ if(s->top==s->base) return ERROR; e=*--s->top; return OK; }//POP int DestroyStack(SqStack *s){ SElemType *p; for(p=s->top;s->top!=s->base;p=s->top){ --s->top; free(p); } if(s->top==s->base) return 0; } int main(){ int i=0; char x,a[STACK_INIT_SEZE]; SqStack *s; Initstack(s); printf("Please input the srings:\n"); gets a; while(a[i]!=&){ Push(s,a[i]); i++; } if(!a[i]) printf("The elements before and after @ do not equal! "); i++; while(a[i]){ Pop(s,x); if(x!=a[i]){ DestroyStack(s); printf("The elements before and after @ do not equal! "); } i++; } printf("The elements before and after @ equal! "); }