ORACLE求助! 急盼高手回复!
在Oracle Enterprise Manager Console登陆Oracle出现以下情况
1,独立登陆后, 然后再以System as sysdba进入数据库,正常连接.
2 登陆到Oracle Managerment Server:然后以System as sysdba进入数据库,提示ORA-01031:insufficient privileges
为什么同一用户出现此问题? 怎么解决??
An attempt was made to change the current username or password without the appropriate privilege. This error also occurs if attempting to install a database without the necessary operating system privileges. When Trusted Oracle is configure in DBMS MAC, this error may occur if the user was granted the necessary privilege at a higher label than the current login.
对了 登陆dba好象是 conn 用户名/密码 as sysdba;