楼上的好像不能实现楼主的功能吧? 定义一个局部变量就好了,good luck! dim str as string str="" if text1.text="" and text2.text="" then msgbox "请输入查询条件" exit sub end if
if text1.text<>"" then str=str+ " and 种类='"+ text1.text+ "'" end if
if text2.text<>"" then str=str+ " and 价格='"+ text2.text+ "'" end if
adodc1.recordsource="selsect * from tablename where 1=1 "+ str
SQL = "SELECT * FROM 入库记录 t"
If Text2.Text <> "" Then
SQL = SQL + " where 接收单位 in(select 企业名称 from 企业名称 where 企业简码 like '%" & Text2.Text & "%') "
mmnn = True
End If
If Text3.Text <> "" And IsDate(Text3.Text) Then
If mmnn Then
SQL = SQL + " and 日期>= '" & Text3.Text & "' "
SQL = SQL + " where 日期>= '" & Text3.Text & "' "
End If
mmnn = True
ElseIf Text3.Text <> "" Then
MsgBox "请双击本输入框,使用日历输入!"
Text3.Text = ""
MonthView1.Visible = True
End If
If Text4.Text <> "" And IsDate(Text4.Text) Then
If mmnn Then
SQL = SQL + " and 日期<= '" & Text4.Text & "' "
SQL = SQL + " where 日期< ='" & Text4.Text & "' "
End If
mmnn = True
ElseIf Text4.Text <> "" Then
MsgBox "请双击本输入框,使用日历输入!"
Text4.Text = ""
MonthView1.Visible = True
End If
If Text5.Text <> "" Then
If mmnn Then
SQL = SQL + " and 销售id in(select id from 销售记录 where 销售人 like '%" & Text5.Text & "%') "
SQL = SQL + " where 销售id in(select id from 销售记录 where 销售人 like '%" & Text5.Text & "%') "
End If
mmnn = True
End If