1. 比如当这个页面中出现相同的2分、1分、0分超过10个就要弹出一个消息框提示要写备注再提交才会成功.
2. 相同的1-5分,比如图中的2分超过22个以上的时候就不允许提交,弹出一个消息框要求重新填写才能提交成功。
<!--#include file="inc/conn.asp"--> <!--#include file="inc/check.asp"--> <!--#include file="inc/function.asp"--> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>Admin_interface</title> <link href="school-css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script language="javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="WdatePicker.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(init); function init () { $('#aa1').blur(CheckId); $('#bb1').blur(CheckId); $('#cc1').blur(CheckId); $('#dd1').blur(CheckId); $('#fm_post select').change(Count); } var tempIdstr = ""; function CheckId() { var Staff_ID = $(this).val(); tempIdstr = $(this).attr("id").substring (0,2); var l = ""; if (tempIdstr == "aa") l = "lfaorfa" else l = "lfaorfa" $.get('ajaxasp/check_Staff.asp',{Staff_ID:Staff_ID,l:l},function(data){ $("#"+tempIdstr+"2").html(data); }); } function Count() { var tempId = $(this).attr("id").substring (0,2); var num = 0; for(i=3;i<=12;i++) { //alert($("#"+tempId+i.toString()).val()); num += Number($("#"+tempId+i.toString()).val()); } if($("#"+tempId+"2").html() !="" && $("#"+tempId+"2").html() !="Err") { $("#"+tempId+"13").html(num.toString()); $("#info").html("Please enter staff id at first and select points!"); } else { $("#"+tempId+"13").html("0"); $("#info").html("Please input the correct number!"); } } function checksub() { var no = $("#no").val(); var cfa = $("#cfa").val(); var dt = $("#dt").val(); var cm = $("#cm").val(); var id = ""; var sc = ""; var n = 0; var arr = Array ("aa","bb","cc","dd") for(i = 0;i<arr.length;i++) { if($("#"+arr[i]+"2").html() !="" && $("#"+arr[i]+"2").html() !="Err") { n++; if(id =="") { id = $("#"+arr[i]+"1").val(); sc= $("#"+arr[i]+"13").html(); } else { id += ","+$("#"+arr[i]+"1").val(); sc += ","+$("#"+arr[i]+"13").html(); } } } if(n <4) { if(confirm("Only Rating to "+n+" staffs, is it required to submit information?")) { $('#info').html("Data have to saving,please waiting...."); $.get('ajaxasp/cfa_save_score.asp',{no:no,cfa:cfa,dt:dt,id:id,sc:sc,cm:cm},function(data){ $('#info').html("Save to sucessful!"); // $('#info').html(data); location.reload(); }); } } else { $('#info').html("Data have to saving,please waiting...."); $.get('ajaxasp/cfa_save_score.asp',{no:no,cfa:cfa,dt:dt,id:id,sc:sc,cm:cm},function(data){ $('#info').html("Save to sucessful!"); location.reload(); }); } } </script>