Dim t1, t2 As StringDim a, b, c, d, e, f As Integer
a = Year(DTP1.Value)
b = Month(DTP1.Value)
c = Day(DTP1.Value)
d = Format(Hour(DTM1.Value), "00")
e = Format(Minute(DTM1.Value), "00")
f = Format(Second(DTM1.Value), "00")
t1 = Str(a) & "-" & Str(b) & "-" & Str(c) & "" & Str(d) & ":" & Str(e) & ":" & Str(f)
d = d + 2 '时间加2小时
t2 = Str(a) & "-" & Str(b) & "-" & Str(c) & " " & Str(d) & ":" & Str(e) & ":" & Str(f)
Data1.RecordSource = "select * from AABB where TT > '" & Format(t1, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "' and TT < '" & Format(t2, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "' and GG > 10 and JJ > 1 "
Data2.Recordset.Fields(0) = "" & Format(t1, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & " - " & Format(t2, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & ""
TT为远程SQL数据表AABB中的日期时间字段,采用Timer控件触发,自动统计其中每2小时内的其它字段数据,即每2小时自动统计一次,每统计到跨月的时间就出错,例如2010-6-30 23:00:00----2010-7-1 1:00:00,就会出现“从char数据类型到datetime数据类型的转换导致datetime值越界”的问题,统计的时间段只要不跨年和月就不会出问题,本人探索很长一段时间了,实在没办法,跪求高手帮忙!能解决该问题的,一定会成为VB编程专家!