Select VehicleBrands,sum(Amount) from CostReports
where CostReports.CostType = 1 and CreateTime between StartDate and EndDate
group by VehicleBrands
Select VehicleBrands,sum(Amount/ApportionMonth)
from CostReports
where CostReports.CostType = 2 and ThisMonth < StartMonth + ApportionMonth
and ApportionMonth > 0
group by VehicleBrands
select VehicleBrands,sum(Amount)
from CostReports
where CostReports.CostType = 3
group by VehicleBrands
Select VehicleBrands,sum(第1种查询的结果+第2种查询的结果+第3种查询的结果) as ReportCost
from CostReports
group by VehicleBrands
[ 本帖最后由 等待冰柠檬 于 2010-8-5 15:19 编辑 ]