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标题:it 巨头急招:Testing Engineer/Senior Testing Engineer/Testing Team Lea ...
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注 册:2010-6-28
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it 巨头急招:Testing Engineer/Senior Testing Engineer/Testing Team Lead
Testing Engineer/Senior Testing Engineer/Testing Team Lead

Key Responsibilities
•Lead a testing team to complete projects
•Analyze Business Requirement and generate Test Strategy
•Design and execute Test Cases
•Defect Tracking

Key Requirements
•BS or above in CS or related
•3-7 years'software testing working experience
•2+ years'testing management experience
•Good understanding of software testing related technique & process
•Excellent test plan, test estimation and test design ability.
•Excellent written and oral communication skill in both English and Chinese
•Data migration testing/Database testing/TIBCO Integration testing/automation testing experience is preferred
•Banking/Insurance/SAP testing experience is preferred.
•Good attitude in team collaboration
•Self motivator and quick learner

工作地: 上海/杭州

联系人: CiCi  (Consultant)
Msn: shzhaopin@
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: Testing Engineer Team 巨头 Lead 
2010-07-04 17:28
快速回复:it 巨头急招:Testing Engineer/Senior Testing Engineer/Testing Tea ...

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