red_chr macro ;读取字符宏定义
mov ah,0
int 16h
string macro p1 ;输入字符光标
mov ah,9
lea dx,p1
int 21h
win macro opr1,opr2,opr3,opr4,opr5,opr6 ;建立窗口
mov ah,06h
mov al,opr1
mov bh,opr2
mov ch,opr3
mov cl,opr4
mov dh,opr5
mov dl,opr6
int 10h
pos_curse macro op1,op2,op3 ;定义光标位置
mov ah,2
mov bh,op1
mov dh,op2
mov dl,op3
int 10h
pos_get macro ;显示光标位置
mov ah,03h
mov bh,0
int 10h
data segment ;定义数据段
menu db 'File Edit Help $'
mass_1 db 'F1 Active file F10 Active help','$'
manu_1 db ' New ',13,10,'$'
manu_2 db ' Open ',13,10,'$'
manu_3 db ' Save ',13,10,'$'
manu_4 db ' Save as ',13,10,'$'
manu_5 db ' Exit ','$'
handle dw ?
message1 db ' Please input file name:','$'
message2 db ' Please input save file name:','$'
message3 db ' Please input open file name:','$'
message4 db ' ***The file is not save! Save it now? (Y/N)***: ','$'
path db 50 dup(0),'$'
buffer db 2000 dup(?)
bak db 3850 dup(0)
line db ?
row db ?
char db ?
help_mas1 db ' welcome use editor! $' ;帮助内容
help_mas2 db 'please the first active help! $'
help_mas3 db 'good lucky!! $'
help_mas4 db '==========================================================$'
help_mas5 db 'Press F1 to active file. $'
help_mas6 db 'You can use DOWN cursor key to choose the fuction $'
help_mas7 db 'Press F10 to show the help massage.Press Esc To Quit$'
date db 'today ??/??/','$' ;调用日期
hanglie db '???//???','$' ;行//列
data ends
code segment
main proc far ;主程序
assume cs:code,ds:data
push ds
sub ax,ax
push ax
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
call wind
call edit
main endp
wind proc near ;创建窗口子程序
win 0,3eh,1,0,24,79 ;定义窗口背景
win 1,1fh,0,0,0,79
win 0,1fh,24,0,24,79
show: ;显示菜单位置及内容
pos_curse 0,0,1
mov ah,9
lea dx,menu
int 21h
show_2: ;显示状态栏位置及内容
pos_curse 0,24,1
mov ah,9
lea dx,mass_1
int 21h
call win3
call win4
pos_curse 0,1,0
mov row,dh
mov line,dl
wind endp
edit proc near
char_get: ;读字符
call com
com proc near ;定义功能鍵
mov row,dh
mov line,dl
pos_curse 0,row,line
j00: mov ah,0
int 16h ;从键盘读字符 ah=扫描码 al=字符码
push ax
lea dx,buffer
mov buffer[bx],al
inc bx
cmp ah,48h ;上
jz up
cmp ah,50h ;下
jz down
cmp ah,4bh ;左
jz left
cmp ah,4dh ;右
jz right
cmp ah,1ch ;回车
jz enter
call fuc_key
mov ah,2
mov dl,al
int 21h
pop ax
call menu_show
jmp j6
left: ;光标左移
mov row,dh
mov dl,line
cmp line,0
jnz direct
mov line,79
dec row
cmp row,0
je stop2
jmp first
mov row,1
jmp first
dec line
call win4 ;显示光标位置
jmp first
right: ;光标右移
mov row,dh
mov dl,line
cmp line,79
jnz direct2
mov line,0
inc row
cmp row,24
je returns1
jmp first
inc line
call win4
jmp first
up: ;上移光标
mov row,dh
mov dl,line
dec row
cmp row,0
je stop1
call win4
jmp first
mov row,1
jmp first
down: ;下移光标
mov row,dh
mov dl,line
inc row
cmp row,24
je stop3
call win4
jmp first
mov row,23
jmp first
jmp returns
enter: ;回车换行
mov row,dh
mov line,dl
inc row
cmp row,24
je returns
mov line,0
call win4
jmp first
mov row,24
mov line,0
jmp first
com endp
fuc_key proc near ;功能键子程序
cmp ah,47h ;home
jz home
cmp ah,4fh ;end
jz _end
cmp ah,0eh ;backspace
jz bak_sp
cmp ah,53h ;del
jz del
cmp ah,44h ;F10
jz help_0
help_0: call help
home: ;HOME键的功能
mov row,dh
mov line,0
call win4
jmp first
_end: ;END键的功能
mov row,dh
mov line,79
call win4
jmp first
bak_sp: ;退格键的功能
mov row,dh
mov line,dl
cmp line,0
je stop
dec line
jmp ab
mov line,0
pos_get 0,row,line
mov ah,2
mov dl,00
int 21h
call win4
jmp first
del: ;DEL删除
mov row,dh
mov line,dl
dec line
pos_get 0,row,line
mov ah,2
mov dl,00
int 21h
inc line
call win4
jmp first
cmp line,00
jz pos_cm
pos_curse 0,0,0
jmp first
help proc near ;显示帮助信息
call savedisplay ;显示帮助信息每行的位置
push dx
win 0,57h,4,5,21,70
pos_curse 0,6,25
string help_mas1
pos_curse 0,8,11
string help_mas2
pos_curse 0,10,11
string help_mas3
pos_curse 0,12,11
string help_mas4
pos_curse 0,14,11
string help_mas5
pos_curse 0,16,11
string help_mas6
pos_curse 0,18,11
string help_mas7
pop dx
pos_curse 0,dh,dl
mov ah,0
int 16h
cmp ah,36h ;F10 active help
jnz cls
call help
win 0,1eh,9,10,13,70 ;清屏
call backdisplay
help endp
fuc_key endp
menu_show proc near ;显示菜单
call savedisplay
push cx
cmp ah,3bh ;F1功能
jz menu_sh
jmp char_get
menu_sh: ;定义菜单的背景字体颜色
push dx
win 0,06h,2,1,7,11
win 0,65h,1,0,6,10
pos_curse 0,1,0
string manu_1
string manu_2
string manu_3
string manu_4
string manu_5
pop dx
dec dl
pos_curse 0,dh,dl
cmp ah,50h
jz manu_n
jmp manu_hid
manu_hid: ;菜单隐藏
win 0,1eh,1,1,7,11
call backdisplay
jmp char_get
manu_n: ;开始定义各个菜单项
win 0,65h,5,1,5,8
pos_curse 0,5,0
string manu_5
win 0,15h,1,1,1,8
pos_curse 0,1,0
string manu_1
cmp ah,48h
je manu_n
cmp al,0dh
jz new_1
cmp ah,50h
je manu_o
jmp manu_hid
jmp manu_n
win 0,65h,1,1,1,8
pos_curse 0,1,0
string manu_1
win 0,15h,2,1,2,8
pos_curse 0,2,0
string manu_2
cmp ah,48h
je manu_o
cmp al,0dh
jz open_1
cmp ah,50h
je manu_s
jmp manu_hid
new_1: jmp new_2
win 0,65h,2,1,2,8
pos_curse 0,2,0
string manu_2
win 0,15h,3,1,3,8
pos_curse 0,3,0
string manu_3
cmp al,0dh
jz save_1
cmp ah,48h
je manu_s
cmp ah,50h
je manu_a
jmp manu_hid
open_1: jmp open_2
jmp manu_n
win 0,65h,3,1,3,8
pos_curse 0,3,0
string manu_3
win 0,15h,4,1,4,8
pos_curse 0,4,0
string manu_4
cmp ah,1ch
jz save_2
cmp ah,48h
je manu_a
cmp ah,50h
je manu_e
jmp manu_hid
jmp manu_n1
new_2: jmp new
save_1: call save
save_2: call saveas
win 0,65h,4,1,4,8
pos_curse 0,4,0
string manu_4
win 0,15h,5,1,5,8
pos_curse 0,5,0
string manu_5
cmp ah,50h
je manu_n2
cmp ah,48h
je manu_e
cmp ah,1ch
je exit
jmp manu_hid
call backdisplay
win 0,07h,15,10,17,61
win 0,24h,14,9,16,60
mov dh,15
mov dl,9
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
lea dx,message4
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ah,1
int 21h
cmp al,79h
jnz q
call quitt
q: cmp al,6eh
jz quit
quit: win 0,07h,0,0,24,79
pos_curse 0,0,0
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
menu_show endp
new proc near ;新建文件
push dx
call backdisplay
win 0,07h,15,10,17,61
win 0,24h,14,9,16,60,
mov dh,15
mov dl,9
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
lea dx,message1
cmp al,0dh
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov bx,0
mov ah,1
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
je alll
mov path[bx],al
inc bx
jmp all
win 0,3eh,15,9,17,61
pop dx
pos_curse 0,dh,dl
lea dx,path
mov ah,3ch
mov cx,00
int 21h
mov handle,ax
mov bx,ax
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
win 0,3eh,1,0,23,79
mov dh,1
mov dl,0
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
jmp char_get
new endp
open_2: jmp open
saveas proc near ;另存为文件 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
win 0,3eh,1,0,6,10
call backdisplay
win 0,07h,15,10,17,61
win 0,24h,14,9,16,60,
mov dh,15
mov dl,9
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
lea dx,message2
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov bx,0
mov ah,1
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
je blll
mov path[bx],al
inc bx
jmp bll
push dx
win 0,3eh,1,0,23,79
call backdisplay
pop dx
pos_curse 0,dh,dl
lea dx,path
mov ah,3ch
mov cx,00
int 21h
mov handle,ax
lea dx,buffer
mov bx,handle
mov cx,2000
mov ah,40h
int 21h
mov bx,handle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
call backdisplay
jmp char_get
saveas endp
open proc near ;打开文件
call backdisplay
win 0,07h,15,10,17,61
win 0,24h,14,9,16,60
mov dh,15
mov dl,9
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
lea dx,message3
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov bx,0
mov ah,1
int 21h
cmp al,13
je clll
mov path[bx],al
inc bx
jmp cll
win 0,3eh,1,0,23,79
lea dx,path
mov ah,3dh
mov al,0
int 21h
mov handle,ax
lea dx,buffer
mov bx,handle
mov cx,2000
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
win 0,3eh,1,23,1,79
mov dh,1
mov dl,0
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov cx,1000
sub bx,bx
mov dl,buffer[bx]
inc bx
mov ah,2
int 21h
loop replay
mov bx,handle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
mov dh,1
mov dl,0
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov cx,10
mov bx,0
mov bl,0
mov path[bx],bl
loop cleapath_3
jmp char_get
open endp
save proc near ;保存文件
push dx
win 0,3eh,1,0,6,10
call backdisplay
mov ah,path
cmp ah,21h
jl j_3
jmp j_4
win 0,07h,15,10,17,61
win 0,24h,14,9,16,60,
mov dh,15
mov dl,9
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
lea dx,message2
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov bx,0
mov ah,1
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
je dlll
mov path[bx],al
inc bx
jmp dll
win 0,3eh,1,0,23,79
pop dx
pos_curse 0,dh,dl
j_4: lea dx,path
mov ah,3ch
mov cx,00
int 21h
mov handle,ax
lea dx,buffer
mov bx,handle
mov cx,2000
mov ah,40h
int 21h
mov bx,handle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
call backdisplay
jmp char_get
save endp
savedisplay proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
mov ax,0002h
int 33h
mov bx,0d
mov cx,3840d
mov ax,0b800h
mov ds,ax
mov dl,ds:[bx]
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov bak[bx],dl
inc bx
loop loop1
mov ax,0001h
int 33h
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
savedisplay endp
backdisplay proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
mov bx,0d
mov cx,3840d
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov dl,bak[bx]
mov ax,0b800h
mov ds,ax
mov ds:[bx],dl
inc bx
loop loop11
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
backdisplay endp
quitt proc near ;退出
call backdisplay
win 0,07h,15,10,17,61
win 0,24h,14,9,16,60,
mov dh,15
mov dl,9
mov bh,0
mov ah,2
int 10h
lea dx,message2
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov bx,0
mov ah,1
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
je qlll
mov path[bx],al
inc bx
jmp qll
win 0,07h,15,10,17,61
win 0,3eh,14,9,16,60
call backdisplay
lea dx,path
mov ah,3ch
mov cx,00
int 21h
mov handle,ax
lea dx,buffer
mov bx,handle
mov cx,2000
mov ah,40h
int 21h
mov bx,handle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
call backdisplay
win 0,07h,0,0,24,79
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
quitt endp
edit endp
win3 proc near ;显示日期
mov ah,2ah
int 21h
mov bl,10d
mov ax,0
mov al,dh
div bl
add ax,3030h
mov [date+6],al
mov [date+7],ah
mov ax,0
mov al,dl
div bl
add ax,3030h
mov [date+9],al
mov [date+10],ah
win 0,1dh,0,67,0,79
pos_curse 0,0,67
mov dx,offset date
mov ah,09h
int 21h
win3 endp
win4 proc near ;显示行//列
mov ah,03h
mov bh,0
int 10h
mov bl,100d
mov bh,10d
mov ax,0
mov al,dh
div bl
add al,30h
mov [hanglie+0],al
mov al,ah
mov ah,0
div bh
add ax,3030h
mov [hanglie+1],al
mov [hanglie+2],ah
mov ax,0
mov al,dl
div bl
add al,30h
mov [hanglie+5],al
mov al,ah
mov ah,0
div bh
add ax,3030h
mov [hanglie+6],al
mov [hanglie+7],ah
win 0,1dh,24,60,24,70
pos_curse 0,24,61
mov dx,offset hanglie
mov ah,09h
int 21h
win4 endp
code ends
end start ;结束