高手来,求真相 (英文滴...)
Write a C program that prints out all different possibilities of obtaining £1(1 pound) using coins of values 2 pence, 5 pence, and 10 pence. Indicate how many
possibilities have been found. The output of your program may look like:
£1 = 50 x 2p
£1 = 45 x 2p + 2 x 5p
£1 = 40 x 2p + 4 x 5p
In total, there are 66 possibilities to make £1.
Hint: You may use loops to generate the number of coins n2, n5, and n10 of value 2,
5, and 10 pence respectively and use the formula £1=100p=2*n2+5*n5+10*n10.