<%Response.Expires = 0
Response.Buffer = true
' This shows all the properties used by csDrawGraph, and their default values.
' It also plots a pie chart with 3 data items.
' Replace "Chart.GIFPie" with "Chart.GIFBar" or "Chart.GIFLine" to display
' a different type of graph.
' Properties that use the default settings do not actually need to be specified.
' This file may be useful as a template when trying different property values.
Set Chart = Server.CreateObject("csDrawGraph.Draw")
'Set Chart = Server.CreateObject("csDrawGraphTrial.Draw")
'Pie Chart Properties
Chart.CenterX = 175
Chart.CenterY = 150
Chart.PieDia = 200
Chart.Offset = 10
Chart.ShowPercent = false
'Bar Chart Properties (some also apply to line graphs)
Chart.OriginX = 50
Chart.OriginY = 250
Chart.MaxX = 250
Chart.MaxY = 200
Chart.BarWidth = 0
Chart.BarGap = 0
Chart.YTop = 0
Chart.YGrad = 0
Chart.XAxisText = ""
Chart.YAxisText = ""
Chart.AxisTextFont = "Arial"
Chart.AxisTextSize = 8
Chart.AxisTextBold = false
Chart.AxisTextBGColor = "ffffff"
Chart.AxisTextColor = "000000"
Chart.LabelVertical = false
Chart.ShowGrid = false
Chart.GridStyle = 1
Chart.GridColor = "000000"
Chart.ShowBarTotal = false
Chart.VerticalBars = true
Chart.XValuesVertical = true
'Stacked Bar Chart Properties
Chart.ShowStackedValue = false
Chart.StackedTextFont = "Arial"
Chart.StackedTextSize = 8
Chart.StackedTextBGColor = "ffffff"
Chart.StackedTextColor = "000000"
Chart.StackedTextTransparent = true
Chart.StackedTextAlign = 0
'Line Graph Properties
Chart.XTop = 0
Chart.XGrad = 0
Chart.LineWidth = 1
Chart.PointStyle = 0
Chart.PointSize = 2
Chart.UseXAxisLabels = false
Chart.UseYAxisLabels = false
Chart.XAxisNegative = 0
Chart.YAxisNegative = 0
Chart.XOffset = 0
Chart.YOffset = 0
Chart.XMarkSize = 4
Chart.YMarkSize = 4
Chart.HideVGrid = false
Chart.HideHGrid = false
'Line Graph Text Properties
Chart.LineGraphTextFont = "Arial"
Chart.LineGraphTextBGColor = "ffffff"
Chart.LineGraphTextColor = "000000"
Chart.LineGraphTextSize = 8
Chart.LineGraphTextBold = false
Chart.LineGraphTextAlign = 0
Chart.LineGraphTextX = 0
Chart.LineGraphTextY = 0
Chart.LineGraphTextBorder = false
Chart.LineGraphTextLeader = false
Chart.LineGraphBorderColor = "000000"
Chart.LineGraphLeaderColor = "000000"
'General Properties
Chart.Width = 400
Chart.Height = 300
Chart.BGColor = "ffffff"
Chart.PlotAreaColor = "ffffff"
Chart.ShowPlotBorder = false
Chart.GraphPen = "000000"
Chart.LegendX = 320
Chart.LegendY = 20
Chart.Square = 8
Chart.Padding = 5
Chart.ShowLegend = true
Chart.ShowLegendBox = true
Chart.LegendTextSize = 8
Chart.LegendFont = "Arial"
Chart.LegendBGColor = "ffffff"
Chart.LegendColor = "000000"
Chart.LegendVertical = true
Chart.LegendAlign = 0
Chart.ShowNumbers = true
Chart.ShowLabel = true
Chart.LabelFont = "Arial"
Chart.LabelSize = 8
Chart.LabelBold = false
Chart.LabelBGColor = "ffffff"
Chart.LabelColor = "000000"
Chart.Title = "饼状图"
Chart.TitleX = 0
Chart.TitleY = 0
Chart.TitleFont = "Arial"
Chart.TitleSize = 8
Chart.TitleBold = false
Chart.TitleBGColor = "ffffff"
Chart.TitleColor = "000000"
Chart.TitleTextAlign = 0
Chart.JpegQuality = 100
Chart.RNDColor = 0
Chart.Decimals = 0
Chart.ShowSeparator = false
Chart.Prefix = ""
Chart.Suffix = ""
Chart.Transparent = false
Chart.TransColor = "ffffff"
Chart.ShowPlotBorder = false
Chart.UseLZW = true
'These 3 lines add some data for pie or bar charts
' Chart.AddData "Item1", 17, "ff0000"
' Chart.AddData "Item2", 28, "00ff00"
' Chart.AddData "Item3", 5, "0000ff"
for i=0 to ubound(sz_str1)
if request.querystring("mode")="" then
Chart.AddData sz_str1(i), sz_str2(i), sz_color(i mod 11)
Chart.AddData sz_str1(i), sz_str3(i), sz_color(i mod 11)
end if
'These 4 lines add some points for a sample line graph
Chart.AddPoint 0, 0, "ff0000", "Line1"
Chart.AddPoint 30, 30, "ff0000", ""
Chart.AddPoint 0, 10, "00ff00", "Line2"
Chart.AddPoint 30, 25, "00ff00", ""
'These 4 lines add some data for a stacked bar chart
Chart.AddGroupedData "January", "Red things", 17, "ff0000"
Chart.AddGroupedData "January", "Blue things", 28, "0000ff"
Chart.AddGroupedData "February", "Red things", 5, "ff0000"
Chart.AddGroupedData "February", "Blue things", 14, "0000ff"
Response.ContentType = "Image/Gif"
'Use one of the following lines to display a sample in GIF format
Response.BinaryWrite Chart.GIFPie
'Response.BinaryWrite Chart.GIFBar
'Response.BinaryWrite Chart.GIFLine
'Response.BinaryWrite Chart.GIFStackedBar