1、查询某一表的主键 sp_pkeys tabelname2、查询数据库中的所有表的名称
select [name] from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and [name] <> 'sysdiagrams' and category=0
order by [name]
select syscolumns.name AS ColumnName,systypes.name AS TypeName,syscolumns.length as length
from syscolumns,sysobjects,systypes where syscolumns.id=sysobjects.id and syscolumns.xtype= systypes.xtype and sysobjects.name= '表名' order by syscolumns.colid
select * from sys.all_columns where object_id=(select id from sysobjects where name='表名')
5、查询数据库的所有类型 select * from systypes
6、查询数据库的基本信息 select * from sys.all_objects
7、 查询表名及主键
select syscolumns.name as Primarkey , sysobjects.NAME AS TableName
FROM syscolumns,sysobjects where syscolumns.id=sysobjects.id
and sysobjects.xtype='U'and sysobjects.name<>'dtproperties'and
( SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects where xtype='PK' and name in
(SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE indid
in(SELECT indid FROM sysindexkeys WHERE id =syscolumns.id AND colid=syscolumns.colid )))
Select Name FROM Master.dbo.SysDatabases orDER BY Name