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live41 发布于 2006-09-14 17:39, 1768 次点击
始终觉得做网页不舒服, j2ee令国内的业务软件技术提升不少

15 回复
live412006-09-14 17:41
狂看了一个月cf, cf技术没进步,英文却进步了,因为国内关于cf的资料少之又少, 我在看的一本cookbook居然要400多港币
chenjin1452006-09-14 18:01

live412006-09-14 18:11

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-14 18:12:06编辑过]

chenjin1452006-09-14 18:16


live412006-09-15 12:42

例如sam出版社就喜欢teach you *** in 21 days之类的
chenjin1452006-09-15 12:51
Kyo2006-09-18 15:03
live412006-09-19 09:12

好郁闷啊~~~ "行不行"这个词,这几天郁闷透了,

一直被上司问我行不行, 我kao~~~

chenjin1452006-09-19 09:25
you can?

you can?
live412006-09-19 11:08
the difficult is not using which language, but their design pattern,

i can't soon understand what their System want to do without Database specification

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-19 11:10:14编辑过]

live412006-09-19 11:11
they provided me nothing and supported me little,  how can i access to their DP beside learning several new lanuage?!
chenjin1452006-09-19 11:25

it seem you only review the project they had done
it will cost you much time

live412006-09-19 11:32
not review, but to understand it entirely with learning cf js css dom, the most difficult thing is the design patter of the system

they have provided me nothing about the Database and just only given me several copies of their unfinished projects coded in cf
chenjin1452006-09-19 11:40
useing the system others had done all the time

it is so repeated and repeated working,i am doing it now,so upset

but,js css dom is so easy(what is cf?),the difficult to us should be the originality

live412006-09-19 11:51

shit.. go on talking into the <计算机英语>