baobaoqiufo2020-12-09 11:02
1: Login Interface (登陆界面)
(1)User Account/Password (登陆/退出)
(2)Role: Teacher/Student (角色:老师/学生)
(3)Log In/Log Out (登陆/退出)
(4)Register Module
2: Student’s Home Page
(1)Student: can add a leave slip id (auto generated), student name, class, school number, reason, description and time。
(2)Can modify the leave slip like reason and description。
(3)Can view the leave slip status through leave slip id。
3: Teacher’s Home Page
(1)Teacher: can get a report of all the leaves applied class wise。
(2)Can change the status of approval of leave
(3)Can get a report of applied leaves with a filter on leave status approved or not。
[此贴子已经被作者于2020-12-8 15:18编辑过]