mywisdom882016-10-16 09:05
create table #表A(AA1 INT,AA2 INT,AA3 INT,TTA datetime) create table #表B(BB1 INT,BB2 INT,BB3 INT,TTB datetime) create table #表C(CC1 INT,CC2 INT,CC3 INT,TTC datetime) create table #表D(DD1 INT,DD2 INT,DD3 INT,TTD datetime) insert into #表a select 1,1,1,'2016-09-9' union all select 1,1,1,'2016-09-29' union all select 1,1,1,'2016-10-1' union all select 1,1,1,'2016-10-12' union all select 1,1,1,'2016-10-16' insert into #表b select AA1+1,AA2+1,AA3+1,TTA+1 from #表a insert into #表c select AA1+2,AA2+2,AA3+2,TTA+2 from #表a insert into #表d select AA1+3,AA2+3,AA3+3,TTA+3 from #表a --日期介于(2016-10-1)至(2016-10-15)的记录更新到新建 --1、新表已经存在时,先模拟建立表E create table #表E(EE0 INT,EE1 INT,EE2 INT,EE3 INT,TTE datetime) --新表字段个数和位置和其它表不同 --更新到新表E insert into #表E(EE1,EE2,EE3,TTE) --如果新表E的结构和其它表相同,就不要()里面的 select * from #表a where tta >='2016-10-01' and tta <='2016-10-15' union all select * from #表b where ttb >='2016-10-01' and ttb <='2016-10-15' union all select * from #表c where ttc >='2016-10-01' and ttc <='2016-10-15' union all select * from #表d where ttd >='2016-10-01' and ttd <='2016-10-15' select * from #表E DROP TABLE #表E GO --2、新表不存在时 select AA1 AS EE1,AA2 AS EE2,AA3 AS EE3,TTA AS TTE into #表E from #表A where tta >='2016-10-01' and tta <='2016-10-15' union all select * from #表b where ttb >='2016-10-01' and ttb <='2016-10-15' union all select * from #表c where ttc >='2016-10-01' and ttc <='2016-10-15' union all select * from #表d where ttd >='2016-10-01' and ttd <='2016-10-15' --查看数据,并删除 select * from #表E GO DROP TABLE #表A DROP TABLE #表B DROP TABLE #表C DROP TABLE #表D DROP TABLE #表E [此贴子已经被作者于2016-10-16 09:06编辑过] |
需要将上述4个表TTA、TTB 、TTC、TTD日期介于(2016-10-1)至(2016-10-15)的记录更新到一个新建的表中