Valenciax2016-09-23 20:46
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
; Include 文件定义
include windows.inc
include gdi32.inc
includelib gdi32.lib
include user32.inc
includelib user32.lib
include kernel32.inc
includelib kernel32.lib
; 数据段
hWnd db ?
szBuffer db 256 dup (?)
szCaption db 'sendmessage',0
szStar db 'Prese OK to send message ,param:&08x!',0
szRetuen db 'Send message returned',0
szDestClass db 'MyClass',0
szText db 'Text send to other window',0
szNo db 'receive message window notfound',0
invoke FindWindow,addr szDestClass,NULL
.if eax
mov hWnd,eax ;编译无法通过的这句
invoke wsprintf ,addr szBuffer,addr szStar,addr szText
invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr szBuffer,addr szCaption,MB_OK
invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr szText
invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr szRetuen,addr szCaption,MB_OK
invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr szNo,addr szCaption,MB_OK
invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end start
在看罗老师的WIN32汇编 其中有个例子 我在编译的过程中 发现
mov hWnd,eax ;编译无法通过的这句