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陈CDG 发布于 2016-06-25 23:05, 6021 次点击
实验八  80x86汇编语言程序综合设计
姓名(汉语拼音)    学号(6位数字)        专业(拼音)    语言成绩    数学成绩    英语成绩
Student struc
    sname     db  20 dup(?)
    studentid    db 7 dup(?)
     major    db  20 dup(?)
     Chinese  db  0
     Math     db  0
    English   db  0
student ends
data segment
s    student   20 dup(<>)
string0    db 13,10,'enter anything to continue','$'
string1    db 'please input 6 bit password: ',13,10,'$'
string2    db 'succeed in entering password',13,10,'$'
string3    db 'error,please input 6 bit password again: ',13,10,'$'
string4    db 'Please select the required function: ',13,10,'$'
string5    db 'A.Display function: display the information of all the students in the system',13,10,'$'
string6    db 'B.Data entry function:increase the information of new students in the system',13,10,'$'
string7    db 'C.Delete function: according to the student ID delete information of the student',13,10,'$'
string8    db 'D.Query function: you can use the student ID, name ',13,10,'query student information, and display',13,10,'$'
string9    db 'E.Statistics function: from high to low order output rankings',13,10,'of all students in all subjects;calculation average of subjects;',13,10,'each student average score',13,10,'$'
stringa    db 'F.Modify administrator password',13,10,'$'
stringb    db 'Please enter the function options management system (press ESC to exit the system): ',13,10,'$'
stringc    db 'please enter name of the student: ',13,10,'$'
stringd    db 'please enter studentid of the student: ',13,10,'$'
stringe    db 'please enter the major: ',13,10,'$'
stringf    db 'please enter the score of Chinese: ',13,10,'$'
string10   db 'please enter the score of Math: ',13,10,'$'
string11   db 'please enter the score of English: ',13,10,'$'
string12   db 'neme     studentid   major   Chinese  Math   English',13,10,'$'
string13   db 'please enter 6 bit new password: ',13,10,'$'
string14   db 'succeed in entering new password',13,10,'$'
string15   db 'please emter System again!',13,10,'$'

password   db '1','2','0','2','4','8',13
pwtemp     db '1','2','0','2','4','8',13
n          dw ?
function   db ?
i          db 10
j          db 0
k          dw 0
number     db 0
strc       db ?
data ends

code segment
assume    cs:code,ds:data

    mov ax,data
    mov ds,ax
print macro string         ;定义输出字符串的宏
   lea dx,string
    mov ah,9
    int 21h

printf macro variable
    mov al,variable
    .if al<=9
        add al,30h
        mov ah,02h
        mov dl,al
        int 21h
    mov al,variable
    .if al>9
        mov ah,0
        mov cx,0
        mov dl,10
       .while al>9
        div dl
        mov bx,0
        mov bl,ah
        push bx
        inc cx
       mov ah,02h
       add al,30h
       mov dl,al
       int 21h
      .if cx>0
      pop dx
      add dl,30h
      int 21h
      dec cx

 printfc macro variable
    mov ah,02h
    mov dl,variable
    int 21h

scanfc macro variable
       mov ah,01h
       int 21h
       mov variable,al         

scanfd macro variable
         mov cx,0
         mov ax,0
        .while al!=13            
          mov ah,01h
          int 21h
          .if al!=13
          mov bl,al
          sub bl,30h
          mov bh,0
          push bx
          inc cx
          mov dh,10
          mov dl,1
        .while cx>0  
          pop  bx
          mov al,bl
          mul dl
          add variable,al
          mov al,dl
          mul dh
          mov dl,al         
         dec cx
hchh macro
     mov ah,02h
    mov dl,13
    int 21h
    mov dl,10
    int 21h
kg macro
   mov ah,02h
   mov dl,' '
   int 21h
   mov dl,' '
   int 21h
    print string1           ;提示1,输入管理员密码
    mov cx,7                 ;设置7次循环输入密码
    lea bx,pwtemp            ;设置指针保存临时密码
    mov ah,08h                ;调用输入
    int 21h
    mov [bx],al                ;保存临时密码
    cmp al,13                  ;判断是否输入了回车
    je next                     ;输入回车则结束输入
    mov ah,2                   ;将输入的密码以*号显示
    mov dl,'*'
    int 21h
    inc bx                     ;指针偏移
    loop input                    ;循环输入
    lea si,pwtemp               ;指针指向临时密码的保存位置
    lea bx,password              ;指针指向原密码的保存位置
    mov cx,7                     ;设置循环次数
   mov al,[si]                  ;取出两个密码作比较
   mov ah,[bx]
   cmp al,ah
   je next2                     ;相等则继续比较至结束
    print string3               ;否则提示密码错误重新输入
    mov n,0
    lea bx,pwtemp               ;重新设置指针,重新输入
       mov ah,08h
        int 21h
        mov [bx],al
        cmp al,13
        je next                  ;输入结束后再次跳转至判断部分
        mov ah,2
        mov dl,'*'
        int 21h
        inc bx
        inc n
       cmp n,7
       jb inpw_again
   inc si
   inc bx
   loop testpassword           ;当判断出密码完全正确才结束密码输入部分

   print string2               ;提示密码输入正确
systemfunction:   print string4
   print string5
   print string6
   print string7
   print string8
   print string9
   print stringa
   print stringb
    scanfc function
    .if function==27
         jmp exitsystem
    .if function=='B'   
        scanfc strc
         print stringc         
         lea bx,s.sname
         mov ax,0
      .while al!=13
          scanfc [bx]
          inc bx
       print stringd      
       lea bx,s.studentid
       mov ax,0
      .while al!=13
          scanfc [bx]
          inc bx
      print stringe        
      lea bx,s.major
      mov ax,0
      .while al!=13
       scanfc [bx]
          inc bx
      print stringf      
      scanfd s.Chinese      
      print string10
     scanfd s.Math
     print string11
     scanfd s.English
   .if function=='A'
      scanfc strc
      print string12
       lea bx,s.sname
       mov dx,0
      .while dl!=13
      printfc [bx]
      inc bx
      lea bx,s.studentid
      mov dx,0
      .while dl!=13
      printfc [bx]
      inc bx
      lea bx,s.major
      mov dx,0
      .while dl!=13
      printfc [bx]
      inc bx
      printf s.Chinese
      printf s.Math
      printf s.English
  .if function=='F'
     scanfc strc
     print string13
     mov ax,0
         mov cx,7                 ;设置7次循环输入密码
            lea bx,password            ;设置指针保存临时密码
            mov ah,08h                ;调用输入
            int 21h
            mov [bx],al                ;保存临时密码
            cmp al,13                  ;判断是否输入了回车
            je next3                    ;输入回车则结束输入
            mov ah,2                   ;将输入的密码以*号显示
            mov dl,'*'
            int 21h            
            inc bx                     ;指针偏        
            loop input2                    ;循环输入
   print   string14   
   print   string15
   jmp sysytementer
    jmp  systemfunction
    lea dx,string0
    mov ah,9
    int 21h
    mov ah,1
    int 21h
    mov ah,4ch     ;结束,可以修改al设置返回码
    int 21h
code ends
    end start
3 回复
Valenciax2016-06-26 07:20

这就要用到int16读方向键的扫瞄码,int 10h关于光标位置的移动,隐藏和显示等功能。

> A.Display Record
  B.Input Record
  C.Delete Record
  D.Query Record
  F.Change Password


Display the information of all the students in the system.

至于存取资料,要动用int 21h,AH:3CH(建立),3DH(开启),3FH(读取),42H(移动档案指标)等函数,DX指向位置,BX是句柄,CX是长度等等,不明白的百度,或者再提问吧。

[此贴子已经被作者于2016-6-26 07:39编辑过]

陈CDG2016-07-16 00:45
春正正2017-06-19 22:02

print macro string         ;定义输出字符串的宏
   lea dx,string
     mov ah,9
     int 21h

 printf macro variable
     mov al,variable
     .if al<=9
         add al,30h
         mov ah,02h
         mov dl,al
         int 21h
     mov al,variable
     .if al>9
         mov ah,0
         mov cx,0
         mov dl,10
        .while al>9
         div dl
         mov bx,0
         mov bl,ah
         push bx
         inc cx
        mov ah,02h
        add al,30h
        mov dl,al
        int 21h
       .if cx>0
       pop dx
       add dl,30h
       int 21h
       dec cx

  printfc macro variable
     mov ah,02h
     mov dl,variable
     int 21h

 scanfc macro variable
        mov ah,01h
        int 21h
        mov variable,al         

 scanfd macro variable
          mov cx,0
          mov ax,0
         .while al!=13            
           mov ah,01h
           int 21h
           .if al!=13
           mov bl,al
           sub bl,30h
           mov bh,0
           push bx
           inc cx
           mov dh,10
           mov dl,1
         .while cx>0  
           pop  bx
           mov al,bl
           mul dl
           add variable,al
           mov al,dl
           mul dh
           mov dl,al         
          dec cx
 hchh macro
      mov ah,02h
     mov dl,13
     int 21h
     mov dl,10
     int 21h
 kg macro
    mov ah,02h
    mov dl,' '
    int 21h
    mov dl,' '
    int 21h