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sweet6hero 发布于 2013-11-15 14:03, 1628 次点击
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import sys  
import httplib  
import urllib  
import re  
import time
import json
url = "https://quanapi.   
class Fetion:
    def __init__(self,toTel,msg,fromTel = 'you number',pwd = 'you fei xin pwd'):         
        self.fromTel = fromTel         
        self.pwd = pwd         
        self.toTel = toTel         
        self.msg = self.Trans(msg)
    def Trans(self, msg):         
        # change space to '%20', otherwise error raised         
        return re.sub(" ", "%20", str(msg))
    def format_url(self):
        url_address = url+self.fromTel+ "&p=" + self.pwd\
            + "&to=" + self.toTel + "&m=" + self.msg         
        return url_address
    def SendMsg(self):         
        # call the api by http get method
        return urllib.urlopen(self.format_url())
def msg2log(msg):      
    logfile = open('MyFetion.log', 'a')      
    now = time.strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')      
    logfile.write('\n'+ now + '\n' + msg + '\n')      

def main():      
    # format mutual message      
    print "\n" + " "*10 + "*"*60      
    print " "*10 + " Personal Fetion"     
    print " "*10 + " Enter the number and message what you want to send to."     
    print " "*10 + " blank number means yourself,"     
    print " "*10 + " and a blank message line to exit."     
    print " "*10 + "*"*60      
    # get the destination phone number
    toTel = raw_input("Input the target telphone number:")  
    if toTel == "":  
        toTel = "151xxxxxxxx"  # none input for a target most used
    # get the message and send by Fetion class      
    while True:
        msg = raw_input("Message:")
        if msg == "":              
            break  # none input to quit         
            print "Sending...."            
            ff = Fetion(toTel, msg)              
            answer = ff.SendMsg()              
            data = answer.read()              
            if jdata['result']==0:                  
                print 'Done.^_^\n'            
                print 'Fail.-_=\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':      
1 回复
sweet6hero2013-11-15 15:42
package test;


import org.
import org.
import org.
import org.
import org.

public class Fetion {

    public void sendMsg(String _phone, String _pwd, String _to, String _msg)
            throws HttpException, IOException {
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        PostMethod post = new PostMethod("http://3.ibtf.);
                "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8");// 在头文件中设置转码
        NameValuePair[] data = { new NameValuePair("phone", _phone),
                new NameValuePair("pwd", _pwd), new NameValuePair("to", _to),
                new NameValuePair("msg", _msg), new NameValuePair("type", "0") };

        Header[] headers = post.getResponseHeaders();
        int statusCode = post.getStatusCode();
        System.out.println("statusCode:" + statusCode);
        for (Header h : headers) {
        // String result = new
        // String(post.getResponseBodyAsString().getBytes("utf-8"));
        // System.out.println(result);
