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[求助] django + wingide的问题

steven_soft 发布于 2013-05-23 20:38, 1672 次点击
加入django的project后, 点菜单Django/configure project for django时, 总是会提示:

The project file has been configured for Django.  Some errors occurred.  You may need to correct these manually:

* Could not obtain Python Executable to use in Project Properties from django-admin.py. Set this manually if the default Python is not the one being used with Django.

The following actions were completed successfully:

(1) d:\Doc\Doc_Python\study\dj-download\example\manage.py was set as main debug file with run arguments runserver --noreload 8000,
(2) DJANGO_SITENAME and DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variables were added to the project-wide environment, and
(3) added directories d:\Doc\Doc_Python\study\dj-download and d:\Doc\Doc_Python\study\dj-download\example to the Python Path in Project Properties.

这个是什么原因. 在网上找了很久都没有找到答案. 高手请支招. 非常感谢!

[ 本帖最后由 steven_soft 于 2013-5-23 20:39 编辑 ]
1 回复
steven_soft2013-05-23 20:40
Could not obtain Python Executable to use in Project Properties from django-admin.py. Set this manually if the default Python is not the one being used with Django.

好像老是找不到python.exe的路径. 可我也手动在project property中指定了也不行. 不知是什么原因.

这个困扰了我很长时间了. 一直没有解决.

[ 本帖最后由 steven_soft 于 2013-5-23 20:41 编辑 ]