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[求助]现金悬赏 把bascom语言转为c

naliyouai 发布于 2011-07-09 02:10, 1388 次点击
高价悬赏 高手把bascom转为c....
http://www.avrprojects.info/avr-projects/digital-dimmer-using-atmega8/   这个是网站
以下是bascom语言  我用了bascom avr 可能软件没用  希望能转换以下 用avr studio完成编译  如果成功,悬赏美金:$50.00

$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 4000000

Config Pinb.1 = Output                                      ' Gate Triac
Config Pind.7 = Input                                       ' Key Up
Config Pinb.0 = Input                                       ' Key Dn

Config Int0 = Rising
On Int0 Int0_int                                            ' Initialise the INT0 Interrupt

Enable Interrupts
Enable Int0

Dim E As Eram Byte
Dim B As Byte
Dim D As Byte

If E > 9 Then E = 9
B = E
D = 0
Set Portb.1


If Pind.7 = 0 Then
If B > 0 Then Decr B
Waitms 10
E = B
End If

If Pinb.0 = 0 Then
If B < 9 Then Incr B
Waitms 10
E = B
End If


End                                                         ' end program


Set Portb.1
For D = 0 To B
Waitus 200
Next D
Reset Portb.1

1 回复
SmileHong2012-11-15 21:42
我也是同样的问题,转换成c 就问题一大堆了