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标题:[求助]Email Client with Java
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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2006-7-23
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[求助]Email Client with Java

我对Java语言不是很行,就连基本的都很有问题。最近要教一份功课,要用Java做出一个email client. 请教教我,好吗?小女子在这道谢了。

以下是我 assigment 的问题:

After having experimented with socket programming in Java programming, you should now have an idea of how internet applications communicate with each other using TCP. In particular, you should have an appreciation of how clients and servers on the Internet send and receive requests/responses using virtual streams.

You are required to develop an Email client in JAVA which will allow you to send an e-mail using SMTP protocol and receive e-mail messages using the POP3 protocol. This client can be connected with college’s mail server and should be able to be accessed from any one of machines within college's labs.

Section 1 Basic Requirements:

1. For the development of an Email Client, you are required to use JAVA Socket Programming and multi threading. Your system will not involve interacting with a database for data storage and processing.

2. You are required to produce a working prototype of an e-mail client which will present a Graphical User Interface to the user for their further activities related to e-mail communications. The prototype should be constructed using JAVA. The required functionality for the e-mail client is as mentioned below.

· Sending an Email

· Downloading a message.

· Configuring the client (changing the e-mail server address etc.)

3. You are required to provide the rationale for the design of the system; specifically related to the following:

· Factors relating to the design of the user interface.

· Factors related to the development and organisation of the system for real-word deployment and what would be the limiting factors.

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: Client Java Email 
2006-07-23 01:50
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2006-7-23
抱歉... 我凌晨贴了这个帖,就睡觉去了。coding 我还没头绪怎么开始,目前我正看 Java 书,学学基本的。但怕没时间... 功课这月尾就要交了,所以希望这儿有人可以帮帮我,教教我。
2006-07-23 10:27
快速回复:[求助]Email Client with Java

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